Happy Fluffy Family Waiting to be Adopted (TG-89)

Lol. Yeah there’s no braking. Shit that’s a funny scenario. Say the foals have a bright idea of putting their pillowed mummah on a skate board and running away from their captors / humans and they just end up getting run over shortly after escaping. The skateboard pillow then proceeds to roll down a steep hill into traffic


This went well for you :shrug:

Welcome to the community :innocent:


we need more plants like parsley.
in fact, I think one may be very efficient.
the flowers of mint.
if a person makes tea from it and you exceed beyond a cup of tea of it, the flowers become poisonous to the person and can make them sick.
so if a fluffy eats enough mint flowers, they can make themselves really sick.
also the christmas berries, or the yew berries and the holly berries, can fuck you up real bad, in fact, there’s a bleakbox story set in winter where a fluffy found a gave holly berry to his family.
one thing that would fuck them up too would be the hydrangea flowers, they have cyanide and are common decorative garden flowers, a hungry mare would totally eat them or a stallion wanting to feed his family.
azaleas and wisterias also make for some nasty bait to anyone.
in fact I’m getting a little inspired.


I’ll take them all. Even the brown one.

I think i mentioned hydrangeas in my last message tho i could be wrong lol and yeah XD also there is one type of flora we haven’t mentioned or overlooked, thst being carnivorous plants. These will most likely target micro fluffies or normal fluffy chirpies up to foal life stages. For example the pitcher plants that either grow into the ground like a pitfall or the overground basin ones that look like big water jugs.
Also sticky adhesive plants like Devil Fingers seedpods or butterworts or sundews.

I’d adopt the whole family, then pillow, de-fluff and de-tongue mummuh, and put her where she can watch her “gud” babies live in squalor and starvation while I lavish her poopie with love and luxury.

If it mlm goes smarty, kill it with a power drill and be done with it all


Quit being a bitch


As it was meant to be. :slight_smile:


There seems to be one in the literbox… seems the mommy needs to lose 2 others for this bad behaviour


Begs the question of how garden invasions even happen, given that so many plants people grow in them are nasty. Oh right, headcanon rule. :wink:

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it’s more than just that, it depends on the type of garden but sadly at best those normal gardens only have enough of those plants to give a stomachache to the fluffy…also dandelions are known for their medicinal properties so I guess it evens out unless you feed them the right quantity of poisonous plants.
if you want to fuck them up and be slowly killed you have to get the good shit.
slow acting poison plants are ideal to deal with fluffies.

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Or be a real a-hole and plant 40 blackberry bushes. It’ll be like some boobytrapped corn maze, fluffy-sized.

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that’s clever as fuck man.
wait…how about opium? that poppy can knock even the junkies out cold, a fluffy would straight up die by falling asleep and be unable to wake up.

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Reminds me, need to work on my bushes. I’ll probably get some berries this Winter.

Funny thing about opium: The raw ‘juice’ that comes from the flowers is actually very very poisonous. They extract out the opium using a very precise process or otherwise it’s not usable. Eww, just read about thebaine poisoning from people using the wrong kind of poppy to get edible seeds from. And yeah, depending on the variety, they’re pretty bad. Of course, it’s illegal to grow them in a lot of places, haha.

A plant many don’t grow but maybe should: Tobacco
There’s a yellow-flowered version that is ever so much more full of natural pesticide. In the more shitty English states, it’s actually illegal to grow because FYTW AKA we need more tax money. Same with burning waste oil that - shock - they will burn to dispose of in UK. Hmm, fun homework: Find out which nations taxed salt for a given century.

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I only have known of 2.
china and spain.

Ayo I want that Scootaloo one!

I will have the “poopie” baby