Harlow's Fluffies (by Anonymunstah)

This isn’t a 1:1 re-creation of Harlow’s horrible but fascinating monkeys.


Man! I was just thinking about this experiment the other day and was gonna borrow some stuff from it. I like this comic, the expressions on the fluffies are great.


I was wondering why nobody did something like this to fluffies.


HEY! you beat me to it lol, but seriously cruelty in the name of science has always been a horribly HORRIBLY! guilty pleasure of mine, almost makes me ill.


Honestly I’ve been mulling around an idea of a comic involving a monkey and a fluffy in a lab

I mean, go for it, lab animals are my favorite topic in medias (plague dogs comes to mind).

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ohhhhh this is SO COOL!
i hope you dont mind if i pull inspiration from them, do you?

Fascinating. What other infamous scientific missteps can be recreated with floofer pones?

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And now this is my favorite fluffy comic. Great work :+1:

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Thank you everyone

Not at all, go ahead, i already took inspiration from Harlow’s monkeys

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Ooooh! This is great, gonna have to keep this in mind when I start developing new stuff, could be fun!

“shudder” thanks for the memories

This reminds me of Fluffus’ Fluffy Sink comic series.
I love these (head cannon) deep dives into fluffy psychologie.


This is a great comic, loved it. I find these science experiments to cruel when they involve real creatures, but something about subjecting a fluffy to it makes my lil heart sing!

I’m going to suggest someone do something with the “Little Albert” experiment that happened in 1920. Poor little guy was taught to fear white mice/things by them making a loud sound at the same time. The mother pulled him out of the experiment before he was de-conditioned, so he probably spent his entire life in fear of the colour white.