Hasbio Fluffy Extermination Test 149 (AMDk7)

Prime directive, exterminate the whole fucking race.
Hasbio has been testing ways to cull the problem they have helped in to the world.
But a wasp big enough to impale a fluffy seems to be a far bigger issue.

Back to the drawing table ?

And I seem to whiplash from hugbox to abuse container.


when Naraku works for Hasbio

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Oh yeah, giant homicidal insects sure are a very good idea. Just what could go horribly wrong?

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Just send 'em to the Infinite Plane of Perpetually Angry Immortal Wasps. Problem solved.

El cazador


we already have Big MT to show us why mutated/genetically augmented wasps is a (very) bad idea, we don’t need Hasbio to add any emphasis to that

[Quietly adds “giant wasps” to my list of things to build]

I’m sure they thought the same thing about fluffies.

Since when do companies listen to common sense ?

That a long list that is ?

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At least fluffies aren’t giant flying murder machines with a venomous spear built into their bodies. Bonus nope points if these wasps’ larvae parasitize other big animals like some wasp species do.

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Don’t give me even more ideas.

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Happy to help lol.

I’ll probably return to wasps at a later point.
I got other abuse in mind for the time being like testicular carnage, or vivisection.

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Borous boutta make some cyber flufflies

…and now I have a fluffy cyberdemon hybrid monster thing in my head
Thanks for that.

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Does this count as fwufftober ?
Cause technically it has a insect in there, and I drew it about a month earlier.

Ie is this cheating ?

Fucking Cazadors

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I remember encountering one in new vegas
I got absolutley fucking wrecked despite being level 10.