Roxann Peabody , lab assistant to Dr Nicolas Henderson head of Hasbio RND . As of (Date classified) the first successful litter of (REDACTED) were pulled from the Boi-crucible. The specimens are to be sent for immediate testing once they have reached maturity. Though superficially identical to an ordinary chirpies the (Redacted) will grow into An organism capable of instilling compliance within rural Filipino communities. Within their first few days of life the (REDACTED) have already begun killing their physically weaker litter mates , much to the horror of their milk mares. As the (REDACTED) grow the milk mares become unable to sustain them through milk alone and the specimens turn on their caregivers having their first solid meal in the process. At just a week old the remaining specimens have quadrupled in size and begun developing hands on their front limbs. At the one month mark the remaining (REDACTED) were walking on their hind legs and stood slightly shorter than the average person. At the 2 month mark 7B the most aggressive of the specimens had begun demanding cigars . Normally such demands would be denied as not to contaminate the specimens, however 7B continually smashed his fists against the ballistic glass window of his cell unit it shattered like crystal. 7B unconcerned by the injuries he sustained began screaming that he could smell the Tabacalera Incorporada. The staff watches as 7B tears apart an old crt monitor in the employee lounge , revealing it to be an empty shell with boxes of Tabacalera Incorporada cigars stashed inside, 7B then grabs the contents within, returning to his cell completely unprompted and began cutting and lighting a cigar.
By this point 7B was nearly 9 feet tall and had a wingspan of well over 12 feet.None of the staff dared enter the cell to confiscate the cigars as 7B could easily reach them from across the room while in a seated position. Dr Henderson seemed rather pleased with the whole incident and rumors began to spread that he had planted the cigars in the crt monitor himself as a sort of test.