How does this research report end? What happens to fluffy Scoots? Her fate is in your hands! choose wisely. 2 options are abuse, one is a silly/weirdbox option.
responses range from:
“what the hell is that!?”
“what the hell is that thing?”
“we’re lame abominations, based on something cool! waaaaahhh!”
with one case of
“AAAAAAAAAAAHHH, this pisses me off so much!”
Hahaha I love the way the sticker is cut. It looks like shes sticking her head through a hole in the fence, or a doggie door to talk shit, and get the last word in. Also the image title and poll results have this vibe. The shortest straw has been pulled for you Scootaloo
Thanks man! I like putting really stylized, cartoonish facial expressions on my fluffys. I feel like it helps communicate whats going on in their fluffys noggins, throughout their stories. That sounds like a killer idea for a game show! Id tune in to watch that.