Hasbio’s Fluffy Facts - The Jellenheimer (by Aaron)

It has been awhile since I last posted. Writer’s block can be a real asshole. Anyways, part 3 to Shadow of the Creator will come out soon. As for now, here is a little peek into the universe of Hasbio and his twisted little world…

The video feed cuts on, revealing a laboratory. Sitting behind a large workstation is the cloaked and concealed form of Hasbio, his face covered by a gas mask with orange tinted lenses, and the amalgamation that is Jekyll/Hyde.

“You’re sure that you got the camera stand set up correctly this time, Bladvik?”

“Yes, camera should not fall down this time,” a gruff-sounding man with a thick Russian accent replies, out of view.

“Good evening, my fellow fluffy enthusiasts and abusers, I am Hasbio. Sitting next to me is my assist and ‘son’ Jekyll/Hyde.”


“Fluffies, you know a them, and most definitely have smelled them. The incomplete incarnation of the “perfect toy” unleashed upon the world by PETA, may their souls suffer and burn for all eternity in the darkest pits of Hell. Ahem, you certainly know the common types that these horse-parodies come in; the earthie, the pegasus, the unicorn, and the alicorn. You might have even heard of lesser known incarnations like the sea-fluffy, the bowl-fluffy, the microfluff, or the macrofluff. Todays show will be about a more unusual sub-species, the Jellenheimer.”

A projection screen hanging from the wall displays several images of Jellenheimers taken from media.

“When most people talk about Jellenheimers, they usually think of a fluffy with red fluff, no tail or mane, and a cartoonish ‘smily-face’. This is in truth, a common misconception, as actual Jellenheimers are far more… unsettling in appearance.”

Hasbio walks away and after a short while, returns with… something. At first glance it has the same body proportions as a fluffy, though at closer inspection reveals that it completely lacks fluff or skin, with its body covered in strands of crimson muscle tissue. Its face is flat and lacks a snout, the only features being a pair of round pitch-black eyes and a wide maw full of human-like teeth contorted into a permanent grin due to the lack of lips. The creature occasionally makes small clicking sounds by chattering its teeth together.

“This ‘abomination’ that I am holding is a Jellenheimer. There is no need to panic as it is completely harmless… to humans.”

“Wait, what?”

“Settle down Jekyll, allow me to elaborate. One of the things fluffy DNA is famous for is that it has been intentionally designed to be completely unable to mutate or adapt. In hindsight, that feature was a blessing when those ‘eco’-terrorists unleashed the incomplete fluffies all those decades ago. Fluffies alone were able to create the largest economic disaster since the Great Depression due to their ridiculous reproduction rate, so imagine the damge that could have been caused if they were able to EVOLVE. It has been found that fluffy DNA does have a 100% success rate when integrated or combined with the DNA of other species, excluding humans. This has resulted in the more unusual fluffy subspecies such as the fluffy/wolf Hunterfluffs or the fluffy/snake Fluff-sneks. Jellenheimers are unique from all other fluffy subspecies as they are the only non-artificial breed. The origins of the Jellenheimer can be traced back when the fluffy program was still in its infancy. You see, the first generations of fluffies were only capable of feeling positive emotions such as happiness or comfort. To achieve this ‘forever-happiness’ the unwanted emotions were extracted from the fluffy and transferred to a corporeal organic matter to be disposed. The Hasbio facilities of the day ran off of nuclear power so it was common for the facility’s trash to contain radioactive waste. The radiation eventually caused the organic matter containing the waste emotions to mutate and gain sentience, giving rise to the first Jellenheimers.”

“Wow, dat’s fuked up.”

“It sure is, Hyde. Despite our friend’s calm and smiling disposition, it is feeling anything but. Completly incapable of feeling the joys and happiness that the world has to offer, every single second of its very existence is a hell within itself. Jellenheimers are the literal antithesis of the fluffy. They are not truly evil, they just do not know what good feels like, but they do know it exists. That is why they desire to reclaim what was taken from them. That is why they prey on fluffies, specifically happy ones.”

“You’we suwe its safe fo’ Jekyll to be awound dis thin’.”

“Of couwse boss am suwe, othewwise he wouwdn’t hab Hyde be hewe.”

“Due to their mental state, Jellenheimers can be commonly found in locations were a tragedy took place. The greater and more recent the tragedy, the more Jellenheimers you are likely to find. That is why New Cleveland is the number one Jellenheimer hotspot of the world. They hunt at night, and usually travel alone when outside their territory. They will be attracted to the presence of happy fluffies, like a dog tracking a scent. Their flexible body allows the Jellenheimer to stretch an contort its body at will, allowing them to disguise themselves as unsuspecting objects, usually to wait before ambushing prey or avoiding larger creatures that might get in the way of its hunt. To this date, Jellenheimers attacking their prey has never been recorded, but based off the aftermath of a Jellenheimer attack, it can be best described as a violent massacre, with the chance of the targeted fluffy surviving the attack being 0%. When attacking groups of fluffies, Jellenheimers will always attack the healthiest members first, leaving the least healthiest for last or outright sparing them. When multiple Jellenheimers attack prey, usually within the territory of a Jellenheimer herd, they will simply just swarm the unfortunate victim, leaving nothing behind but a puddle of blood and viscera. There is as much information on Jellenheimer reproduction as there is footage of Jellenheimers attacking prey, eating, sleeping, or expelling waste, which is none. It is unknown if Jellenheimers have genders as they do not seem to have any visible reproductive organs. There is nothing on Jellenheimer births as it is believed that the just ‘manifest’ or spawn into the world out of thin air. In fact, there is also nothing on Jellenheimer deaths, for all we know, they might as well be immortal. That is a reasonable possibility as Jellenheimers appear to be nearly indestructible. What is it know, Jekyll?”

“It’s gone.”

Hasbio and the camera pan down, and as Jekyll had stated, the Jellenheimer is nowhere to be seen.

“That brings me to my next fact about Jellenheimers, they can be domesticated, but it is highly recommended that you give them frequent amounts of attention unless you want them to vanish. Anyways, Bladvik, inform the H83Rs to be on high alert for Jellenheimer activity and put the mansion on lockdown, there are several fluffies I’m experimenting on that I would prefer not be reduced to red stains. Hyde, you know what to do…”

“Mr. Hasbio, I believe I heard naked molerat monster in air vents…”

There is suddenly an ear-piercing scream as the camera is knocked over and the video feed is reduced to static.


… im gonna call security forces for this