Having more than one fluffy at once

Today I saw this picture from GrefferCs_55. And I started to think.
I could not have more than one fluffy in my flat but I know people who have several pets at the same time. In case of rodents it is even advised to have more then one, because they live longer from it.
In my headcanon any (non-mutant) Fluffy is as big as a westie dog. Average people have only one fluffy. Which is understandable if you think how many attention they require, and a specially designed room. I like to believe they need far less money-requiring stuff, it is just a done-too-well marketing trick from Hasbio to buy their products. At least, I am sure I would not have the money for a safe-room.
But again, they are very sociable, and I had no time to play with it only a bit at the morning, and late at night when I get home until my fluffy die from boredom (maybe literarily), and shit all over the house (mostly both). Guess, the reason for Fluffy daycares.
But get back the point. Do you think it is a good idea to buy or get fluffies in pair or maybe three? Maybe it would be advisable?
It might help raising them up, and teach them to support each other, and having other friends than the authority figure (you, preferably). But if you ask me for more than one fluffy you have to be a black-belt fluffy veteran to try.
So what do you think? Would you dare to have more than one fluffy?

(Well, I would not want too many either. I’d be glad to have one, but good companion fluffy. :smile:)


I agree with ya
having one would be cool, but since I work kinda the whole day, he would be alone so I would have to find a new one, but in two they would make a mess/ demand more time, so I would think twice before getting one too.

On the other hand, micros are pretty funny, you raise them like fish, it’s clean, easy and they can have a lot of partners to play with without problems


Personally my headcanon suggests getting at least two Fluffies (either same sex or neutered if not looking for breeding pairs) since they are a very social animal and require interaction as much as possible.

Of course this can bounce between Hugbox friendships and abusers having more targets to hurt, but the general rule is two at least


Fluffies are insanely social creatures, so a second fluffy could be a good idea depending on HC. They could keep each other company and happy while you were away.

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I think i could work sith a small family, like 3 or 4. Id have the boys nuetered and the female’s tubes tied.
I could imagine like… a Mom and dad and two kids.
Mom would love them a lot, knowing my dad? Hed probably accidentally abuse them. Like tripping over them and yelling. Id hoped they would like moly dogs tho.

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If I could share a line from a recent abandoned story attempt, “Fluffies are like potato chips, you can never have just one.”

I lean toward fluffies being extremely social and need companionship as much as food or water. Of course having multiple fluffies is more work and requires more space.
Personally I’m not to big on full on safe rooms and have used pins made of pet fence to block off a section of a room for the fluffy area. I feel that it makes the fluffy more accessible as opposed to locking it away in a safe room.

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I go with breeds existing. So all shapes and sizes exist.

The more social they are the more prone to being targeted for abuse, suffer accidental injury and death, and realistic social interactions between feral animals which can be decidedly not cute. The more codependent they are the dumber in most cases, which makes them less prone to cannibalism or rape but also more prone to suffocating each other in Fluffpiles or not realizing babies don’t play or show affection like adults.

The more solitary or clannish they are the generally smarter and more capable of survival, in addition to not being as fun for abusers or as destructive as ferals.

The average owner either keeps one with them wherever they go utilizing what is essentially a large Foal Can on straps which collects waste and immobilizes/silenced them, or they leave a small Herd at home. Even cramped spaces meet their needs as long as basics are met, such as a large self-cleaning litterbox and a small cat climb with rails making a closet that would be cramped for a single cat into a cozy snuggle home for up to five. Breeds that are easy to clean up after are more popular for Hugboxers.

Fluffies seem like the kind of animal that people would absolutely buy/adopt too many of without actually thinking if they could support them and finding out that getting more was a very bad idea.


Pretty much this in my headcanon. Places like the Faucheuse Foundation and Dr. Pierre Faucheuse’s School for Gifted Individuals make sure that each saferoom has at least two fluffies living in it.

I agree, micros are the best pets

Having two fluffies would be a good idea. It’s easy to think that two fluffies = twice the destruction, but how much of said destruction and bad behavior is the fluffy acting out because it’s lonely and has nobody to play with?

Even in existing stories, it feels like solo fluffies act out more than families. Just think how many baby-craving mares could be talked out of running away if they had a friend at home…


I think of them as being about the size of a chubby house cat, if the were real I would love to have one but yea, I feel like you would need two of the same sex so they can be besties and not get bored, I live in a two bed council flat and I assume they would not be allowed here anyway so that would be that, I would love to have a little tank of micro fluffs tho, start a mini heard and set up tiny cameras like a weirdo and just watch them all day lol!


In my headcanon it’s become typical for lower- and middle-class homeowners and renters to set aside a bedroom as a “fluffy room” for a small herd of about 4-8 animals. This violates most leases, and the smell is unmistakable, but trying to enforce that provision of the lease is a great way to start a riot. Without a cheap source of meat readily available, most people would fear starvation.

I believe this misconception would lead to people just having a single fluffy, blame fluffies for being so needy, which leads to people only getting a single fluffy.

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I guess it would depend on how many people live with the fluffy. If it’s a family they may provide enough stimulation during most of the day. Though a single person who works all day and goes out in the evenings is unlikely to do this.

Another would be the fluffy’s age as an older fluffy may enjoy a quiet life, while a very young one may be suitably entertained with toys.

I’d say adult fluffies would need a companion if they only have a single owner.

I would probably keep two at a time, kind of like my cats irl. I only ever really feel content in my number of cats when I have two. That way they have a friend that is their own species, and they won’t be alone if I have to go somewhere. Fluffies seem to be very social creatures and usually end up sad and depressed when left alone. They could act out and wreck things if alone. Having a friend for them would help keep them happy and in line.

Was about to say this

This is probably unintentional, but have you guys noticed that most of the “Mares wanting Babies and running away their Owner” story keeps happening to singular mares with absentee owner?

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yes, micros would be so much fun. I could build them labirints in my free time. Two of my problem: first, I would be afraid to take them out of their cabinet or box or whatever they are in, and they might run away and I would find them ever again. One of my friend lost his mice this way, they run under forniture and stuck in holes.
And, well, a normal size fluffy is good to have and stroking while watching tv and it is on your lap. And you can snuggle with it. While you can do it with micros, too, but that’s just not the same.
Otherwise, I had a guinea pig when I was a little boy, and only one could pee so much I am amazed to think back to it as an adult. I remember because my father insisted I had to clean its place. I can have nightmares to think what 4-12 micro could do. I would spend all of my money on wood shavings under them or who knows, might be there something more useful material for this these days.
But I could play God with them. With a watering can, hair dryer, a lamp, and a blanket, I could make them believe I change the weather and when it is night or morning. :innocent:

Yes, I also feel like it would be like in case of rodents: they advice you to have at least two because they happier that way and do them good.
Other thing if they would be friend or enemies, or simply tolerate each other. But I guess fluffy marts would sell you siblings from the same litter if it’s possible. Meanwhile I guess in a normal fluffy it is programmed not to be a jerk, but the chance is even lower in case of family.
And I guess, we all here read and seen enough fluffy thing to recognize any kind of red-flags. :wink:

Well, what started me thinking on this is the fact that I actually could not put them anywhere execept a big cartbord box, if I do not want them to run freely in the house while I’m out.
But I have a place under the stairs, I would put its"bed" their. But that’s close to my bed: so I hope they do not snore a lot. One of my idea would be that I get a playpen, you know the one you put your baby in it and the babies cannot clime out of it. But I guess I would just take it to the daycare like a regular parent. XD
I am sure they charge me for daily free, except I buy the monthly pass: regularly spare 10% of daily price but I buy know for 2 month the third month is half price.

Gosh, I didn’t even think about that. Fluffy meat supply. But I would not want to butcher them. But I can actually see people would do that, but would be hard to do in a side-room.

It is true, but these days, both parents go work, kids at school, fluffy is left still alone. A lot of people leave their dog simply in the garden if they have one while go do their duty.
But if there is two fluffy at least they are there for each other until someone gets home.