I don’t know if I have to put title in these, so here it is.
In your headcanons, how likely are these to happen?
1- For a feral mare to get BMS?
2- For a happy, domestic fluffy family to get a smarty between them?
3- For a DOMESTIC mare to bet BMS?
4- For a smarty to break just like any other fluffy?
5- For a fluffy to get alicorn aversion?
6- For “forced enfies” to happen between an mare and stallion, even if they already have a litter together and be happy?
7- For the “poopie fluffy” situation to happen in a herd?
8- For a hellgremlin to be born or become a good one even without trauma?
8- For a fluffy to always do scaredy poopies and peepees when being punished in any way?
9- For a bestest babbeh to get abusive towards other babbehs?
10- For a mare to punish her own foals, even the bestest?
11- For a microfluff to be chubbier, more adorable and more punchable than normal fluffies.
12- For a micro to become immobile when it gets pregnant, becoming like a ball that can’t move on its own.
13- For a domestic fluffy to run from its owner to have a litter.
14- For a smarty to become a scaredy-bitch when it gets hurt?
15- For a foal to get any syndromes when it grows up/is born?
16- For a fluffy to get too much in panic when in the dark?
17- For a derped fluffy to be abused in every way by its herd?
18- For a stallion to protect its babbehs more than the mother?
19- For incest to happen?
20- For a hellgremlin to become good and friendly after abuse?
My headcanons are:
1- Very likely, like 98%.
2- Depends if the mare becomes a bitch mare. However in most cases very unlikely.
3- Very unlikely UNLESS it was a bestest babbeh, in this case it’s 100%.
4- Very unlikely, as it will try to still threaten whoever is hurting them, but only when confronted with extreme pain and suffering it will surrender and return to being a crybaby or an wan die loop.
5- Very likely, but with rare exceptions.
6- Unlikely to happen.
7- It depends on the mare, and wheter or not it is a bitch mare/bestest babbeh or poopie herself.
8- Yes. Very likely, almost 100% of the time.
9- It also depends on its mother. If the mare is not present, it will be a nice fluffy, otherwise it will be abusive.
10- Pretty unlikely.
11- I drew a chubby microfluff (but didn’t post it), so I guess yeah, very likely.
12- Confirmed on my headcanon.
13- If the fluffy is a stallion, unlikely, however if it’s a mare then the chances increase just slightly.
14- Confirmed, it will happen.
15- 50/50, it depends if the family is abusive or not.
16- Also 50/50, it depends on the fluffy and its conditions.
17- Unlikely, but can still happen.
18- Very likely, and will happen even more often if the mare dies or is incapacitated.
19- Unlikely, but still happens in feral herds.
20- Unlikely, it would probably go into an wan die loop before.
AND YES, I inspired myself from that post of headcanons with lots of images.
If you want more details, you can question one or more of my headcanons, I will answer it.