Headcanon (EchoBro)

I don’t know if I have to put title in these, so here it is.

In your headcanons, how likely are these to happen?

1- For a feral mare to get BMS?

2- For a happy, domestic fluffy family to get a smarty between them?

3- For a DOMESTIC mare to bet BMS?

4- For a smarty to break just like any other fluffy?

5- For a fluffy to get alicorn aversion?

6- For “forced enfies” to happen between an mare and stallion, even if they already have a litter together and be happy?

7- For the “poopie fluffy” situation to happen in a herd?

8- For a hellgremlin to be born or become a good one even without trauma?

8- For a fluffy to always do scaredy poopies and peepees when being punished in any way?

9- For a bestest babbeh to get abusive towards other babbehs?

10- For a mare to punish her own foals, even the bestest?

11- For a microfluff to be chubbier, more adorable and more punchable than normal fluffies.

12- For a micro to become immobile when it gets pregnant, becoming like a ball that can’t move on its own.

13- For a domestic fluffy to run from its owner to have a litter.

14- For a smarty to become a scaredy-bitch when it gets hurt?

15- For a foal to get any syndromes when it grows up/is born?

16- For a fluffy to get too much in panic when in the dark?

17- For a derped fluffy to be abused in every way by its herd?

18- For a stallion to protect its babbehs more than the mother?

19- For incest to happen?

20- For a hellgremlin to become good and friendly after abuse?


My headcanons are:

1- Very likely, like 98%.

2- Depends if the mare becomes a bitch mare. However in most cases very unlikely.

3- Very unlikely UNLESS it was a bestest babbeh, in this case it’s 100%.

4- Very unlikely, as it will try to still threaten whoever is hurting them, but only when confronted with extreme pain and suffering it will surrender and return to being a crybaby or an wan die loop.

5- Very likely, but with rare exceptions.

6- Unlikely to happen.

7- It depends on the mare, and wheter or not it is a bitch mare/bestest babbeh or poopie herself.

8- Yes. Very likely, almost 100% of the time.

9- It also depends on its mother. If the mare is not present, it will be a nice fluffy, otherwise it will be abusive.

10- Pretty unlikely.

11- I drew a chubby microfluff (but didn’t post it), so I guess yeah, very likely.

12- Confirmed on my headcanon.

13- If the fluffy is a stallion, unlikely, however if it’s a mare then the chances increase just slightly.

14- Confirmed, it will happen.

15- 50/50, it depends if the family is abusive or not.

16- Also 50/50, it depends on the fluffy and its conditions.

17- Unlikely, but can still happen.

18- Very likely, and will happen even more often if the mare dies or is incapacitated.

19- Unlikely, but still happens in feral herds.

20- Unlikely, it would probably go into an wan die loop before.

AND YES, I inspired myself from that post of headcanons with lots of images.
If you want more details, you can question one or more of my headcanons, I will answer it.


1- Usually only happens in my stories if a mare has been spoiled constantly.

2- No comment

3- See 1. It doesn’t usually happen in my stories as ferals are worried about survival.

4- Smarties are just fluffies. They aren’t T-1000s.

5- Fluffies don’t have alicorn aversions in my stories. They, in fact, revere them as extra specials.

6- Common enough though even if they’re still together (as much as two fluffies can be) rape is still rape.

7- Fluffies love all their babbehs in my stories unless they’re fucked in the head. Poopie hatred must be taught to them by a human, and they’re resistant to it.

8- You have a lot of questions about smarties. Smarties in their basest sense aren’t bad. They’re a fluffy who have taken it upon themselves to fill a leadership role. I think you may want to switch ‘smarty’ with ‘hellgremlin’.

8- One of a fluffy’s only defenses is to shit itself so often.

9- Bestest babbehs rarely exist in my stories and if they do, they have natural empathetic tendencies toward their siblings.

10- Often enough though not usually physically. Usually by just removing access to their favorite toy or putting them in time-out.

11- Microfluffs are just scaled down versions of regular fluffies so not really.

12- See 11

13- Often enough depending on how bratty it is.

14- Smarties are just fluffies, not T-1000s built to withstand massive amounts of abuse

15- Often

16- They have much of the understanding of the world as a three year old does so yes

17- No. Derped fluffies in my stories are usually safeguarded by their herd because of their innate empathy.

18- Stallions exist in a strange place where most stories they serve as nummy finders or are just plain dead/out of the picture otherwise. I suppose if they were actually present when their foals were in danger.

19- Likely more of a feral phenomena as being told by their owners that special huggies with their family is bad would stop them.

20- Smarties should be good and the closest thing fluffies have to guidance. You’re thinking about hellgremlins, and they’re often poorly written as being completely unflippable


1- It is a psychological condition and some mares con go their whole lives without it manifesting. Inflated ego and self worth will sniff it out in those who have the dormant condition.

2- one in fifty fluffies have some form of smarty syndrome.

3- only if she is predisposed to the condition. It is not to be confused with standard bratty behaviour.

4- a smarty is twice as cognitively sturdy, although its really the ego and sense of identity that keeps them held together during hardship.

5- 70% of fluffies hate and/or fear alicorns, which may not seem like a lot, but when you consider the population size, it’s staggering.

6- not likely in a good partnership, even with a smarty (if he’s good). It can happen in an abusive relationship, or if the mare is only seen as a baby factory by the stallion.

7- very common.

8- 30% of smarties are morally sturdy, most are some degree of bad, and 15% have hellgremlinism

8- depends on the bravery of the fluffy in question.

9- common, but not guaranteed.

10- depends on the mare, her traumas, and her predisposition to BMS.

11- microfluffies are smaller and cuter, but they are just as fat as the standard fluffy.

12- that happens to all fluffy mares.

13- not rare, but not super common in a fluffy without predisposition to toughyism, BMS, smarty syndrome to some degree.

14- depends on the smarty, depends on his character.

15- the conditions are a resultvof their neurology. They can’t get the condition, same as that they can’t be cured, only treated.

16- depends on how much of a pansy he is.

17- depends on the leader.

18- extremely likely.

19- possible but taboo amongst fluffies.

20- possible, if his abuse was geared towards treating his syndrome.


My headcanons are:

1- Very likely, like 98%.

2- Depends if the mare becomes a bitch mare. However in most cases very unlikely.

3- Very unlikely UNLESS it was a bestest babbeh, in this case it’s 100%.

4- Very unlikely, as it will try to still threaten whoever is hurting them, but only when confronted with extreme pain and suffering it will surrender and return to being a crybaby or an wan die loop.

5- Very likely, but with rare exceptions.

6- Unlikely to happen.

7- It depends on the mare, and wheter or not it is a bitch mare/bestest babbeh or poopie herself.

8- Yes. Very likely, almost 100% of the time.

9- It also depends on its mother. If the mare is not present, it will be a nice fluffy, otherwise it will be abusive.

10- Pretty unlikely.

11- I drew a chubby microfluff (but didn’t post it), so I guess yeah, very likely.

12- Confirmed on my headcanon.

13- If the fluffy is a stallion, unlikely, however if it’s a mare then the chances increase just slightly.

14- Confirmed, it will happen.

15- 50/50, it depends if the family is abusive or not.

16- Also 50/50, it depends on the fluffy and its conditions.

17- Unlikely, but can still happen.

18- Very likely, and will happen even more often if the mare dies or is incapacitated.

19- Unlikely, but still happens in feral herds.

20- Unlikely, it would probably go into an wan die loop before.

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1 - Uncommon, they are too desperate to act like that

2 - Edit: I treat Hellgremlins as basically learned narcissism. If a stallion has a special friend and foals, he sees them as objects for his own enjoyment. There’s no way this arrangement is happy for any party except him.

3 - Incredibly rare for properly trained Hasbio mares. Spoiled and/or neglected backyard mill mares are more likely to develop behavioral problems.

4 - Just as common. They don’t have a physically higher pain tolerance and fluffies don’t have much in the way if willpower.

5 - This is them imprinting on humans and misunderstanding human behavior. Humans keep dangerous things away from fluffies and humans keep expensive alicorns away from other fluffies, this obviously means alicorns are dangerous. Then this behavior is taught to other fluffies via oral legend.

6 - Depends on story. Haven’t really dealt with it but again am going to lean on whether they learned it was wrong.

7 - Ferals less so, poopie aversion is because as with 5, humans don’t like brown fluffies and other fluffies assume this must mean something is wrong with them. Assuming litterpals? No hellgremlin herds keep a communal slave toilet. There are ferals that have learned to deter predators by rolling in poop in my headcannon.

8.1 - Any hellgremlin like fluffy is basically the product of being spoiled and not being taught right from wrong. There isn’t any psychopathic malice but they essentially enter a state of permanent terrible twos. Fluffies are very rigid in their way of thinking so the only way to correct this behavior is to literally ruin their lives.

8.2 Depends on how funny it is.

9 - Babbehs am fow huggies an wub! AKA see 5 and whether the mummah is good or not.

10 - Smol bops and scoldings. No wowstest stompies or foal killing unless they are BMS. Mostly tattling to a human if they can.

11 - They have more fluff as a percentage of volume too keep them from freezing to death in a 72 degree house.

12 - depends on litter size. Most mares regardless of subspecies are able to at least navigate a domestic setting such as waddling to the litterbox or kibble bowl when pregnant but couldn’t keep up with a roaming herd. Big litters can still immobilize them.

13 - very common because its funny

14 - See 4

15 - I have a broader category of personality quirks that Hasbio engineered into fluffies so that they would appeal to more children so every litter has positive traits like splorin babbehs, askie babbehs, singie babbehs, dancie babbehs, ect. SBS and physical deformities are purely the product of stress and malnutrition during pregnancy.

16 - They have anxiety if it is anywhere they don’t know is safe but will be fine in a fluffmart display or saferoom with even the most basic ambient light as they need lots of sleep and will just conk out if it gets dark.

17 - Not unless it was an asshole before derping.

18 - Very likely. They don’t really understand their instincts but they know they have to pass their genes on.

19 - If they don’t know, it will absolutely happen. As part of proper fluffy education they know that family isn’t for that sort of thing. But fluffies are mostly immune to inbreeding depression in my headcannon since they were all bred from a few dozen breeding pairs that were all made in a lab which is far too small a population to survive if incest was harmful to their health.

20 - Not likely. They might realize they were a dick but instead wallow in pity over their suffering since the Hellgremlin is an innately selfish personality type


Well, 2 is like “How likely it is for a smarty to appear in a happy, domestic family?”

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Thinking of writing again so doing this out to help along the way

1- BMS doesn’t exist in my HC. I always thought it was a hack way to get to justified abuse. Brat mares always existed. They don’t need a “Syndrome”. But you’ll find less brat mares in feral environments because they simply don’t survive and the few that occur become a lesson for the rest of the herd.

2- I always liked it better If the human spoils the family too much. A foal can develop “smarty syndrome”. Fluffies dote on their foals a lot but it’s not quite enough. A human with good intentions might push them over the edge to make a foal think that it’s smarter because it gets everything that it wants, triggering the “Syndrome”.

3- No BMS but a domestic mare who’s spoiled too much and given everything they want will turn into a brat with the same characteristics if not supervised enough

4- Bad Smarties break easier because they are driven by ego and pride and having that illusion shattered warps their tiny minds so they break. It’s easier for a human or another, tougher fluffy to break them down than a regular fluffy. Good smarties will have much more fortitude and conviction and won’t give up so easily.

5- I go by the Headcanon that Regular fluffies see Alicorns as horrific monsters who are coming to eat them and no in between due to a “Glitch” where a regular fluffy simply cannot parse that a fluffy can have both wings and a horn. I always liked it like that from the old days in terms of the Hasbio canon in that they had a “We’ll fix it later” bug that they ignored because Alicorns were so rare they were going to sell for hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars and likely never meet a regular fluffy in the first place.

6- Fluffies are deliberately designed by Hasbio to be as inoffensive as possible to each other. A happy couple wouldn’t dream of doing something like that. In a very rare case, a “happy” fluffy can still be secretly evil and seek to take advantage of their partner (I’d love to see a story about a stallion who on the outside very loving and kind be secretly a massive sadist who dreams of killing his partner and their foals.)

7- Fluffies becoming racist was one of the worst hivecanon pushes by /b/ and an entirely lazy way to speed run justified abuse. I wrote “Poopie babbeh” as a human invention to screw with the minds of mares in breeding mills instead. So it’s never going to happen in a herd. And if it did, the herd would kick the mare out for neglecting their foal because the mare will cause problems for the herd.

8- Hellgremlins are mostly made through human ignorance and lack of discipline. A fluffy who just arrives in the world straight up evil isn’t out of the question though.

8- Depends on the punishment. If someone punished a fluffy through the recommended Hasbio ways like a light swat with the sorry stick or 15 minutes in a basic sorry box they won’t. Lashing a fluffy with a more sadistic sorry stick or putting them in a terrifying sorry box will cause them to toilet.

9- In my HC, “bestest babbehs” are only a human invention to make mares in breeding mills prioritize the most valuable foal. Foals see each other as equals.

10- Hasbio designed mares to correct bad behavior in foals when caught with a light “sorry hoof” boop to the nose of the offending foal. It would never cause any damage but it’s psychologically mortifying for the foal.

11- Did a microfluffy story once that was lost media, didn’t like it so it’s staying lost.

12- No micros here

13- Humans are a bit more competent in my headcanon and fluffies are a bit more attached. They won’t run off unless they have been extremely spoiled but won’t take “no” for an answer when they want foals. And even there most mares will simply have a temper tantrum or sulk about it instead of doing something drastic like running away from an owner that spoils them.

14- Depends on the smarty. Bad smarties will be scared shitless because they think they are untouchable. Good smarties won’t.

15- Smarty syndrome if spoiled. But that’s it

16- Oldfag headcanon is that Hasbio deliberately made fluffies very afraid of the dark as a behavior correction method with the sorry box and a way for humans can empathize with them, especially the children fluffies were marketed towards. It also had a benefit of increasing night light sales.

17- A small chance with a bad smarty but most good herds would never let something happen to a fluffy they considered family.

18- When developing fluffies. Hasbio made it so that stallions had intense fatherly instincts which had the side effect of making them stand their ground if they felt the foals weren’t ready to leave their nest yet. Hasbio kept this feature it in because it meant the father could tell the development of the foals. Which the fluffies could relay it to Hasbio’s staff if they thought it was too early for them to leave. Which was also handy if the mother started lying, they could then cajole the father to give the real story (Side note: I write Hasbio, especially the staff at the breeding facilities as being way more competent than most other HC because they were dealing with products that costs tens of thousands of dollars at first). Though in feral situations, the father might bail on the foals if they were a sheltered domestic, have PTSD from the same thing happen before or just plain old cowardice.

19- Hasbio hardcoded “No incest” in immediately.

20- They’ll correct their behavior because of fear the abuser will come back. Specifically if they match their bad behavior as the reason they were abused in the first place.


Ayo, good idea at 6… Ngl, may do it one day.