Headline: Rise of baby crazed fluffies (By7svendye)

Fluffies when you often hear about these little puff balls it fills you with an emotion of trying to protect the Little Tikes to straight up harming the Little Devils to not even feeling anything when around these little bio toys, love or hate them it’s important to at least get some information in regards to what’s happening around with these little Abominations.

Now you’re probably thinking to yourself sitting there drinking your coffee wondering why you should care about what’s happening with these little freaks well I’ll tell you what’s happening it’s the fact is there has been an increase of runaway fluffies as of lately and for most of the times it has been owners who have been dealing with the stress of their pet fluffy demanding that they have babies and I know what you’re thinking just a common occurrence that has been happening since forever when it comes to fluffies well folks here’s where things get a bit crazy and interesting you see the type of fluffies that have been running away from these owners are usually the supposed spoiled and put up top a pedestal by owners who think their little puffball can do no wrong well yes those numbers are contributing factors to those types of fluffies however it’s not just the spoiler fluffy that I’ve been running away from home it is also been the well-behaved Fluffy’s that have been running away as well and not only that but Fluffy’s that have been rescued from shelters that have been in either poor conditions or from feral herds who have been a plague on our streets for years.

Here in the state of California, there has been a plague of feral fluffies running around as of lately, however, the number of ferals has been increasing due to the fact that pet fluffies have been running away from home to get babies and we can all thank Hasbio and that stupid baby shows that they put up 24/7. With this desire for babies, those fluffies end up becoming ferals and in turn, acting like rabbits with other ferals to make more fluffies and you’re probably wondering what happens to those Fluffies, well folks they either end up as roadkill on our streets or fattening up the local Wildlife population.

What makes these fluffies even worse is the fact that they’ve been invading up a nice homeowner’s yard or backyard to scavenge for food however what happens when a fluffy Mare invades one homeowner’s backyard but instead of trying to steal food, they’re trying to steal a pet Fluffy’s baby. That’s right folks the increase of backyard and front yard invasions are not just fluffies searching for food but crazed fluffies who are trying to steal pet-owned fluffies foals and you’re probably thinking to yourself “…it’s probably just some pedo male wanting to have good feels…” well here’s the thing folks it’s not just Smarties who want to have good feels it’s been pretty much Mayors who want to have their own babies but unfortunately have been denied at every turn and when it comes to the stallions it’s former Smarties who have lost their herd to appoint that they’re just trying to increase the numbers of the friends that they lost.

It’s one thing for a fluffy to run away from its owner just to have babies it’s a common occurrence however for a former pet fluffy to run away from home and steal another pet Fluffy’s baby because they think it’s their baby well folks it appears Fluffy’s have gotten more complicated that we like to believe.

You’re probably wondering what makes these fluffy so crazy well an exterminator by the name of Harry Baltimore gave us an interview in regards to the fluffies that he was getting rid of here’s what he had to say:

“…I get a call every other day of some average Joe or Jane Doe who says that their yard is being ruined by feral fluffies and I’ve often heard every other time of a fluffy saying ‘dis am Smarty wand’ well here’s the thing what made this job different is the fact is I had a screaming mare who said that she was just trying to take her babies away from the bad place and And I think to myself great I got to deal with her newborn crap rats right now and when I look in the bush yeah I see a bunch of foals and so I grab one and I’m about to break the little thing’s neck, next thing I know the owner runs out saying that ‘…that’s not that Feral baby it belongs to her pet and that it was her Pet’s baby’…”

"…Just for a second, I thought I was dealing with a hugboxer who thought that I was going to deal with the Fluffy humanely however the owner brings out their pet fluffy out and the little thing is saying the same thing as it’s saying that it was her ‘babbeh’.
It wasn’t until the owner took the thing from my hand and gave it back to her pet it’s there that I saw that little thing was calming down after I was manhandling it and being the confused guy that I was I asked why the sparrow was saying that it was hers and the owner goes on and tells me that she called me to get rid of this thing because it’s been trying to steal her Pet’s babies for a while now…"

*“…I go back to look into the bush just to try and understand what was going on and then I look at those other babies and… God, I’m glad I wasn’t eating that day because those other babies that were in the bush we’re all dead look like half of them were smothered, the other half were starved, and there were maybe like two or three that had their necks broken…”

“…So I confront the little monster in my hands and ask what the hell it was doing with all these dead babies and then it just tells me that all her babies aren’t dead they’re just sleeping and that I should give back her other baby because she was her mother and that’s when the owner tells me that she ain’t the mom she helped her pet give birth to the babies in her possession, but that crazy mare kept saying that she had ‘biggest poopies’ and made that baby. So being the smart guy that I was I was going to take the words of the owner seriously than those of this crazy dame so I killed the thing got my payment and went on to my next job but here’s the thing after killing that crazy mayor I had another encounter with a mare that did the exact same thing try to steal a pet owner baby fluffy and claim that it’s it’s own. I don’t know what’s going on with these things because frankly they’re dumb but they haven’t exactly been on the crazy side that I know of…”

It’s one thing for a fluffy to kidnap a baby fluffy out of sheer jealousy but just a kidnap a baby because she wanted a baby and another thing that makes this scary is that it’s been happening all over folks not just with this particular incident you may have heard on the news that apparently a feral broke into a fluffy shelter and try to get into some of the pens well a co-worker of mine has a friend who works at that shelter and claims that the fluffy wanted to steal the other babies because she said that those babies within the pen were hers and half of those babies were with their parents.

When it comes to hasbios organic programming they’ve always been a jumble mess and with the increase of fluffies as of lately that programming has started to degrade so folks is this another incident of flat has bios Abominations programming starting to degrade how long until a fluffy does something really stupid and trying to steal another owner’s pet Fluffy’s babies well folks time only tell it’s one thing for a fluffy to be stupid but to be straight up crazy well folks that another story.

So first story if you can call that, your opinion is appreciated




Not too bad for your first story. I would definitely work on formatting, it’s a bit difficult to tell where dialogue begins and ends at points.


Thank you ace you’re words are appreciated I tried going into a newspaper type deal if it makes sense


You, name, title, do it now




It won’t be long before a mindless Hugboxer will help one of these fluffies kidnap some foals just because he believed the mare that they are her offspring, ignoring all the evidence to the contrary, just because he believed a Biotoy.


Base on this story does most those crazy mares usually fixed? Or mostly never had babies to themselves was the reason most cases stolen foals ended up dead?


Some are fixed mares who went crazy after constant “special Huggies” and no tummy babies to the point they do crazy things like eating babies and other stuff to have tummy babies, while the other half are mares who lost their kids that they often project their goals onto others

The fixed mares are the ones who almost always kill the foals

While the mares who lose their foals fall in the 50/50 spectrum

So forgot to say that with BCS case here it results in kidnapping foals from fellow ferals and domestic fluffies

Plus, my head cannon BCS comes from a degraded program of fluffy Mamas loving all their babies


Just want to say huge fan and I love your comics


You managed to capture a little of the journalistic style here.

Using punctuation will make your work easier to read.

Fluffies when you often hear about these little puff balls it fills you with an emotion of trying to protect the Little Tikes to straight up harming the Little Devils to not even feeling anything when around these little bio toys, love or hate them it’s important to at least get some information in regards to what’s happening around with these little Abominations

If I were at work, here is how I’d edit your opener on a quick first pass:

When you hear about these little puff balls, it fills you with an emotion: from trying to protect the little tykes, to straight-up harming the little devils, to feeling nothing when around these little biotoys.
Love or hate them, however, it’s important to keep up to date with new developments regarding these little abominations.

Best of luck with your writing!

Anyone else read this in Alex Jones’ wheezing, immanent aneurysm voice, or was that just my schizophrenia acting up? :ahahaha:


Well, now that you bring it up

Jones voice: Fluffies were a false flag! The babbehs were all crisis actors! Alenix is hiding Satanic symbols in the kibble! I’m broke btw don’t sue me uwu~