Heart of Ice Ch.8 [By Biorb_McBiorb]

It was cold that morning. Harley had begun the, loud and nasty, miracle of birth, and she was not prepared for it. “Huu… Ice, Keep babbehs safe otay? HRNNNNG! B-Babbehs huwt tummy su much haff haff Think dey comin’ now!” As Harley finished the sentence she winched in pain, as she felt the first foal pass, she began to hear it chirp, and cry out for its mummah. “B-babbeh?”

Ice stood with the five babies, keeping them away from the live birth unfolding before his eyes. A part of Ice wanted to help her, to be there, but this was a job for a Special Friend, not a son. Cardinal, ever curious, peaked her head out from behind ice, not knowing what she was looking at, she wasnted to ask, but was still too young to create words, so she peeped, and as she began to crawl closer to Harley, Ice stopped her. “Nu Babbeh Caw-dinaw! Nu see dis, dis am big fwuffy ting! Ou’ too widdwe!” as the surrogate father pushed Cardinal back. he felt his heat skip a beat as she looked up at Ice, and gave off a smile.

“HUUUU- haff haff -HUUUUUUUUU, JUST’ CUM OUT BABBEHS” Halrey cried out, each baby popped out of her, and fell into her nest. One after another, they came, and each peeped and chirped. Ice now had seven new brother and sisters. As Harley finished, she motioned Ice to come over and help. Leaving his foals, he came around and slowly picked up each of the babies and handed them to Harley. As each baby was handed over, she cleaned, fed, and hugged her foals. “such gud babbehs…”

As she looked over her brood, she looked at Ice then to his babbehs. “Gon’ nee’ wots of nummies too feed aww dese babbehs…” Harley said, a sadness washing over her face. “Ice… Ou’ gud Fwuffy, gud babbeh, gud nummie findah. Bu’ Hawwey tink dat fwuffy maybeh hab to… Num some babbehs… Nu wan’ buh onwy way to keep most awibe. If aww stay, den ‘ou an’ fwuffy hab to stay out aww Bwite-time, just twyin’ to find nummies.”

Ice looked down at his new brothers and sisters and realized the same thing. But an idea sparked thru the sadness he felt. “Wait Mummah! Ice jus’ nee’ to go get anothah soon mummah to make miwkies fo’ babbehs! Den when she has hew babbehs, den Mummah can num dem an’ dah mummah aftah she stops makin’ miwkies!” The saddened look that grew on his mother faded as she realized how smart her son was.

“Dat am twue! Ice am su smawt! Buh nee’ to wemembew, Mummah Hawwey was dah one who bwought back chewwy, how Ice gon’ get Mummahs to come?” Ice looked at his mother, down at the her new foals, and back at your babbehs. “Ice am smawt, Ice can twick babbehs tu come hewe, Ice twick Mummahs tu come hewe tuu!”

Harley was so proud of her little colt, he had grown up to be strong, and make such good decisions! “Otay, but be cawefuw, Mummahs hab Speshuw Fwends, Might nee’ tu gibe dem Foweba Sweepies.” With that, Ice hugged his mummah, told his new brother and sisters he loved them, and hugged his foals goodbye. The Dark Yellow Eathie foal opened his eyes, looked at Ice, smiled.


His first words! Ice was so proud he stopped getting ready to leave, and hugged his babbeh. “Y-yus! Am Daddeh! Daddeh w-wub ou’ babbeh!”

“Peep! Peep! Daddeh! Wub! Daddep! Peep!” The little foal peeped and chirped, Setting him down , Ice waved goodbye to his foals, and made the trek for a Mummah, one who would feed your babbehs. He had to be clever, he had to think about how to go about this.

As morning became mid-day, Ice hunted for signs of other fluffies. They were easy enough to track, but his mother was much better at tracking than he was. Ice began to feel discouraged until he caught a scent! “Hmm… Smeww wike… Mawe? buh nu odda fwuffies?” As Ice followed the scent, he began to find bits of Teal colored fluff lying around. He was close.

Ice began to hear the soft sounds of a mother singing to its children.

“Mumma wub babbehs, babbehs wub mumma!” Ice crept closer, hiding under a nearby bush.

“Bestest babbehs get miwkies and wots of huggies!” Ice began to see the mare, she was alone, She had a Teal colored coat, and a pure white mane, a set of wings, and a horn. An Alicorn, just like Cardinal.

“Mummah hab wots of miwkies and huggies fow babbehs!” As ice looked her over, he was absolutely enthralled by her despite her weight, she was beautiful. The Mare lifted her head, and smelled the air. “N-nyu fwend?” she asked. ‘Weww gweat’ Ice thought to himself. ‘she knows im hewe, might as weww show sewf.’

But before you could emerge from the bush, another mare showed up, along with her foals and a stallion following her. “Dummeh Munsta Mummah, ‘ou hab miwkies fo’ babbehs yet?” The mare was a Pink Earthie, with a Yellow Mane, The stallion, a Black Pegasus with a Orange mane. There was four foals that followed the mother, and one on her back, said foal was Black, with a small tuft of yellow appearing on its head, a Unicorn. the four foals were Red, Pink, Grey, and Blue. The Grey Foal looking particularly skinny.

“M-mummah hab miwkies, buh nee’ miwkies fo’ mummah’s bab-” The Pregnant mare was hit in the face by the Black Pegasus, interrupting her plea. “When Fwowah say gib miwkies to babbehs, 'ou gib miwkies.” The Mare just nodded, and let Flower’s foals feed. as she cried, Flower was singing to them, the same song, but sounding much worse.

Ice thought long and hard about this scenario. He could easily take the Teal Mummah back when the other two had left. But these two were being so horrible to this poor mummah! Ice was clever. Ice was Smart. As he thought, the two other fluffies who were bulling the mother, began to leave. “Nee’ mowe nummies Speshuw Fwend! Gu get Sketti!”


“Hewwo?” You said, pretending to be as oblivious as possible. “Any-Fwuffy wookin fow Sketti?” That caught the Pegasus and Earthie’s attention. "Sketti? Whew? Show sewf dummeh! Ordered the Pegasus. “N-nu huwt Fwuffy! Am gud Fwuffy! Onwy wan’ tu shawe sketti wid odahs!” you lied to them, pretending to cower in sight of the idiots.

“Hmph! Dummy Fwuffy gib sketti noa ow get sowwy poopies!” Ice knew how these two worked now, a demanding father, a stupid mother, and even a bestes babbeh. Perfect nummies for Mummah.

“O-otay! Wiww take smawty tu sketti! Buh why not take munsta Mummah? If she hab sketti tuu, she can gibe mowe sketti miwk to ou’ pwetty babbehs!” Ice knew the risk, but Fluffies were dumb, but the idea of sharing sketti with a munsta was unheard of. Ice knew that Alicorns were good fluffies, they were just misunderstood. “Hmm… Weww… Nu wike finky pwace idea, buh’ mowe sketti miwkies make bestes’ babbehs stwong and big! Otay, we take dummeh munstah mummah wid us, buh 'ou move Munsta, nu wan tu.” Again, he was ordering you around like a smarty.

What a Dummeh.

As Ice made his way over to the Soon-Mummah, he got close and whispered to her. “Ice am gettin wid of dummeh fwuffies, pway awong, and can be safe, babbehs habe miwkies, nu dummeh mawe’s” The words fell on joyous ears, as you let her lean on you, she smelled like Skettiland to Ice. You led the two idiots and the prettiest Soon-Mummah back to your Mummah’s Nest.

As Harley sat back, letting her young suckle at her teats, she noticed Ice’s Babbehs were drawing closer to yours, they seemed curious about the other babbehs. “Cum hewe babbehs! Meet Hawwey’s Babbehs!” Harley led the foals over to her own brood. If Harley was anything but a Cannibal Fluffy, she would be fawning over the sight before her. Ice’s Babbehs, and Harleys, all hugging and peeping, chirping and babbling. But she WAS a Cannibal Fluffy, so she stared at the babies with a mix of love, and hate.

Not hate for babbehs, nor a hate for Ice, but a hate that was designed in her very D.N.A something that compelled her to dislike normal fluffies. But Harleys twisted Motherly instincts took priority over her pre-programed hate.

Cardinal and the Dark Yellow Earthie both were still a bit farther from the group. “Wha’ wong babbehs? Nu wan pway wid babbehs?” Harley asked.

'W-wan pway… Buh… buh Mummah sc-scawwy…" They were afraid. As they should be. But they didn’t need to fear Harley, they were Ice’s Babbehs, and Ice was her Babbeh. Harley waved them over, calmly telling them to “com and pway siwwy babbehs.” After a short while, as they made there way over to the rest of the babbehs, they were greeted by hugs and the occasional peep. Harley was so happy, for a moment, she didn’t even focus on the outside. The horrors of nature, the trails she faced, she just looked at these babbehs… And smiled…

But only for a moment.

Her ear twitched as she heard something approaching the nest. “Dis way Oddah Fwuffies! Awmost dewe!” It was Ice! He had led others back to the nest! He was so smart! Before Harley could show how proud she was of Ice, she began to put the Babbehs behind a small crack in the nest. The tree was old, the wood was beginning to fall away leaving plenty of hiding spots in the nest itself. As each babbeh was placed in one of the hiding places, they all peeped and cired. the Talkie Eathie confused most of all. “Why Mummah nu wuv? Why hide?” Nu Wuv?"

God that thing was melting her heart. “Nu Babbeh, uh-Munsta am comin’ nee’ to stay quiet and safe, whiwe Hawwey get wid of!” In response to the explanation, the Foal covered its mouth and closed its eyes. “scawy” was all that was said from it. With the Babbehs hidden, she listened to her son explain to the Fluffies who were on there way. “Onwy one fwuffy can gu fru magic twee pwace! Twee pwace take fwuffy in an’ take dem tu dah sketti!”

‘Oh how cwevah!’ Harley thought to herself. Hiding along the shadows of the wall, Harley waited for the first victim. Soon she heard hooves comin up the to the entrence of the nest. It was a Black Pegaus, how pretty! As soon as he stepped into the nest, Harley lunged at him, tearing into his neck. Using her arms to cover the Pegasus’s mouth, She ripped and tore thru his neck. As it tried to fight and pull away from her, it made muffled screeches. Finally, silence filled the nest, The stallion was dead. Harley hoped they others didn’t notice.

Ice looked into the nest, saw Harley with the throat of the Stallion still in her mouth, Ice nodded, and looked back to the Fluffies. “Otay! ‘Ou Daddeh made it fwu! Who am goin’ next?” Ice asked.

You dragged the Stallion away, further into the nest. It had many deeper holes where Harley had used as hiding spots. As soon as she set the stallion down in another spot Harley heard a gasp. Turning to see a Pink Earthie. “M-M-M-M-UN-” was all she was able to get out before being bashed in the back of the head by Ice. With the mother out cold, Harley made her way over to Ice, and hugged him.

“Gud wowk Ice! Su pwoud of 'ou!” Ice embraced his mother. “Ice wuv Mummah tuu… Mummah? Dewe am fouw babbehs and a soon mummah ou’side. Mummah… Ice pwomis pwetty soon-mummah-” Ice was cut off by a hoof, covering his mouth. “Awe babbehs soon-mummahs?” Ice shook his head. “Ou wike pwetty Soon-Mummah?” Ice took a second to nod his head. “Otay, dat gud, buh du she know dat Hawwey num odda fwuffies?” Ice’s face sank low as he shook his head.

“Otay… Weww, ‘ou nee’ tu teww hewe wha’ Mummah du, and if Soon-Mummah stiww wan’ tu stay, she can stay.” Ice hugged his mother again, and turned to leave the nest. “Oh! Ice?” Ice turned back to his mother. “Teww odda babbehs tu come aww at once. Otay?”

Ice nodded and left the nestie with a smile on his face.

“Ah… tu be young an’ dummeh wid wub” she sighed, hoping her son found a promising mate.

As she began think about all the beautiful grandbabbehs she was goign to have, Harley began to hear the small footsteps of foals coming close to the nest.

sigh… Young and Dummeh.”


A new family and a new meal, NICE!


Wow thats enough for Harley to sustain her brood and Ice’s “foals”

Hope the alicorn is smarter to agree on the conditions