Helpah babbehs

So after seeing @Jejjick and @gr1m_1 bowl fluffy comics, where their was a bestest baby, And with gr1m_1’s variant / take on it having the bestest baby more developed then its siblings in order to help its mummah. I was wondering if this could apply to normal fluffy’s as well.

In the sense that widowed Abandoned single mares would need a helper to take care of their other babies and help find nummies to produce more milk for her babies. hence fourth why one would be more developed getting enough milkies and weaning off of milk in order to help its mother find nummies and be mummah’s Helpah baby.

Its a 50/ 50 percent chance that the foal chosen to be the Helpah baby either Helps its mother or becomes a selfish bestest baby.


I actually really like this idea. It’d be fun to explore how the split between a well behaved Helpah Babbeh and a spoiled hellgremlin bestest happens.


i mean yes and no it all depends on the artist ill say, it sounds ideal like for any wild animal may do that let us remember we are talking about fluffies


It would definitely make sense to see in regular fluffies, though I imagine it’d be reserved for later stage ferals that maybe have a modicum of survival instinct. Bowls do it in my canon because they’re a weird mutation years into ferals existing. Also because of their weird ass biology meaning the foals are basically immobile until the talky stage, which gr1m touched on in his comic as well. Though I imagine the concept of a helper foal was not a real conscious survival tactic initially and was just regular bestest picking nonsense. It just happened to have some utility and maybe became something of an evolutionary instinct as those who participated in the behavior happened to survive more.