Will never forget the time my mom told me to beat up my bullies for messing with me, and if I didn’t then she’d beat my ass too

“. . . Otay?”
At daycare. “Can ou’ fowwow fwuffy obew hewe… Otay gud.” Proceeds to donkey kick them into the balls. “No knu why mummah tink dat huwt mowesies.”
Best way to educate your fluffy.
Would teach it without hesitation if I had (an obedient and nice) one.
Teaching a fluffy is very much like how I had to talk to me niece.
“always say please and thank you, no tantrums, don’t talk to strangers -even if they say they are your friend or know me-, and absolutely do NOT go where we can’t see you”.
drops her off at daycare and she immediately bursts into tears because I’m gone and therefore cannot see her
The more you understand silly child logic, the better you’ll understand a fluffy’s rather charming sense of innocence.
Damn, your mom helped you by saying “I didn’t raise a lil bitch, did I?”
Tbf violence is almost always the solution to bullies. Fuck them.
Most definitely. And it worked too, didn’t have as many problems after that lol