Henrietta Foal Part 2: Mummah Songs (Artist: OtherOtherCoraline)

Perk of the job or still not worth dealing with these little shits?

Also, sorry for the light text on light backgrounds, I’ll put captions beneath each picture.

Yellow Babbeh: Why wed babbeh saddies? Babbehs am fo’ wub and huggies!
Henrietta: Babbeh miss mummah. Huu…
Yellow Babbeh: Yewwo babbeh sing wed babbeh mummah song. Nu miss mummah den!

Yellow Babbeh: Mummah wuvs babbeh! Babbeh wuvs mummah! Mummah gib miwkies! Babbeh gwows big an stwong!

Blue, Yellow, and Pink Babbehs: Mummah wuvs babbeh! Babbeh wuvs mummah! Mummah gib miwkies! Babbeh gwows big an stwong!
Grey Babbeh: Pweez staph! Munstah dadden nu wike babbeh songs!

Worker: Dammit! I have the worst sodding migraine. Which of you shits is singing!?
Yellow Babbeh: Babbeh sing mummah song fo’ make wed babbeh happeh!
Blue Babbeh: Mistah wan sing wif babbehs?
Pink Babbeh: Coo…

Yellow Babbeh: Bad upsies! Nu wike! Babbeh am sowwy!!
Blue Babbeh: Wai mistah gib gud babbeh owwies? Huu…
Grey Babbeh: Munstah! SCAWY!
Henreitta: Wan mummah… wan mummah… huu…

Worker: I have plenty more “singing housies” if any of you would like to continue your mummah songs.
Grey Babbeh: Bwuddah nu can bweafies. Pweez wet out of nu see housie…
Yellow Babbeh: gasp haf, haf…
Blue Babbeh: Huuu… wan mummah…
Henrietta: hic… chirp … hic … peep … hic


Is that just a regular plastic beg he’s suffocating in or does it have something else in it?

Also, I love their misery!


Love it, especially the impending death and the total naive babys


Such cruelty… delicious


Just regular good ol’ suffocation :slight_smile:


Fluffies getting tortured and killed just for being the emphatic, adorable, little furballs they are. Sometimes this just makes me cry. Cry tears of sheer joy and pleasure!


“Theres no malice in industrial abuse”
Okay what is this then

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Frustration. Impatience. Restlessness. Irritation.

Are you saying that getting annoyed at your alarm clock and being rough with it in the morning is being “malicious”?


I think that man should go to hell​:hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Depends on the value you place on fluffies and foals. But, sure, I don’t see why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Disproportionate punishments for acts of kindness are the best kind of punishments! This is what peak victimization looks like! :laughing:


No hellgremlins or smarties, just happy fluffies getting hurt! Nice!


Getting bad luck, wrong moment to sing.

The grey one isn’t so naive anymore. I wonder how intelligent he truly is.