Herd story concept art (fluffernuttersandwich)

Been thinking over a story idea, drew some fluffs for it. Kinda self indulgent but tbh what is this community for if not indulgence


I’m guessing the alicorn is the smarty friend and the red pegasus is and/or the mint green earthy are their special friends?

Correct! …plus one other. This tiny blue horse gets more bitches than I do :pensive:

I’ll take another guess and say that special friend number 3 (little dude’s got a harem lol) is the yellow-coat purple-mane fluffy?

Ding ding ding! Smarty friend and his special friend and his special friend and his special friend and his babbeh and his babbeh and his babbeh and his babbeh and h

Aw hell yeah!

Honestly I nearly guessed it was the biggie one over there that has 206 tattooed on her flank, but then thought about how the blue alicorn’s bracelet might also be a clue to his other special friend. That, and the yellow unicorn looks like it could’ve been sired by them

Yellow unicorn is actually from a previous special friend- (and yellow and purple is a stallion lmao) but our smarty friend here is more than a stepdaddeh, he’s the daddeh that stepped up

Bisexual alicorn daddeh who stepped up? Looks like this’ll be an interesting story.