Hide and seek by(that1hugboxer)

This is a continuation of The Everywhen by(that1hugboxer)

You are Duncan. Despite you and your dad not being on even remotely good terms, you have organized a bonding activity for yourself, your dad and your brother. You fully understand that the relationship with your dad will most likely never be anything more than just a cordial ceasefire for the sake of your brother, but you are ok with that.

You and Jessie arrive at Vanderholt farm to meet up with your dad.

Your dad pulls you aside.

“Is this your idea of a joke!?”

You look at him confused.

“What are you talking about?”

“Look I know i was a shitty dad, but your mother nearly had a mental breakdown last night after your little stunt!”

“Dad I live over 45 minutes from this farm. Jessie and I had movie night yesterday. Whatever happened here was void of my involvement. Tell me What happened, is mom ok!?”

“Your mother woke me up at 4am screaming about something outside the bedroom window. When I looked out the window I saw a kurdaitcha staring up at us ! I assumed it was you dressing up to scare your mother .”

“kurdaitcha?! Where the hell would I get a kurdaitcha outfit,We’re out in the middle of BFE?!”

Your dad breaks out in a cold sweat realizing that it clearly wasn’t you.

Just then you hear a woman’s voice shriek in horror.

You Jessie and your father head towards the source of the commotion.

A group of security officers are gathered around the
scene . Strewn across the ground are several dead fluffies that appear to just have dropped dead with no clear explanation

Amidst all the carnage is an aborigines man dressed in traditional kurdaitcha attire being held at gun point by several security guards.

“Get on the ground! Now!”

Your mother runs behind you to protect Jessie.

The man turns towards your mom then gets on both knees and raises a wand made of sharpened bone attempting to point it at your mother .

A shot rings out ,the man drops to the ground clenching his shoulder and dropping the wand.

Your father looks over at you ,pistol drawn , barrel smoking , arms forward, back arched, stance wide and knees bent.

“D…Duncan! Do you have any idea what you’ve just done!?”

You chuckled nervously.

“ I knew the repercussions… the price of inaction was far too great in my eyes.”

The man begins whispering in a low booming voice.

“Jiemba Illawarra ,The FeatherFoot’s wrath shall fall upon your shoulders!”

The security team gets the man medical attention, he is then cuffed and detained.

You turn to your mother

“Are you ok?”
You attempt to hug her but she backs away as if out of instinct. Before realizing what she just did , coming back in for a hug.

“Yes sweetie I’m fine.”

You let go of your mom and turn to your dad.

“You doing okay dad?”

Your dad grabs you by the shoulders and begins shaking you.

“Duncan!!! You just shot one of the kurdaitcha!!! The FeatherFoot will come after you!!! They will be flying people into the USA to forcibly enact tribal punishment !!!”

You pull out your phone.

“This is the furthest thing from a joke son! I need you to take this seriously!”

You gesture to your dad that you’re on the phone.

“Hello? Yes this is Duncan Accutron . Head of Human rights for C.O.B.R.A private contracting. I need to speak With Mr Drogat immediately.

Hey boss man how’s it going?

That good huh?

Listen I’m sorry to cut the formalities
Short but my family has been targeted by some Aussie assholes who think they can enact tribal punishment on foreign soil. I need someplace where they can weather the shitstorm while I sort this out….
That sounds great I’ll send them over immediately. Thanks bye.”

You hang up the phone

You look at your dad.

“How quickly can you guys get your things packed ?”

“About an hour.”

“Perfect. We’ll have all four of you safe and sound at camp Maureen before sunset.”

As your dad gets the last of the luggage loaded up in the escort vehicle he turns around and hugs you. Choking back tears.

“Dunca….Jiemba ….thank you.”

Your mom chimes in.

“Sweetie…. These people will most likely try to attack the farm first. What happens then?”

You smile.

“They are welcome to Fuck around and find out.”

One of the mercenaries hands you a large rifle case and 5 massive ammo boxes full of 5.56 rounds.

As the camp Maureen escort drives off you check the rifle case they brought you

“Looks like Christmas came early this year!”

Inside the case are ten 30 round magazines, a vest with 10 pockets for said magazines and a Springfield Hellion .

You take Odis out of his harness and kiss him on the forehead.

“You be a good boy for auntie Zoey ok?”

Odis head buttes your chest and lets out a cheerful.

“Dah Dah…”

You start to tear up.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words.”


I’m putting Duncan’s story on hold for right now. Going to do some more fluffy focused content for a while. I want to apologize if I’ve made people mad with the world building stories. I wanted to explore the depths of Hasbio’s haute madness. I also wanted to explore how and why Duncan and other characters in my stories act the way they do. I always intended to go back to basics with my stories after I had fleshed out those aspects, it simply took longer than expected to reach that point. I will periodically go back to more world building stories but for now I’m going to be working on more down to earth stuff with characters both new and old. This . Thank you to everyone who read these. I find the world created by this community to be a treasure trove of possibilities. Hasbio in particular is an Alexandrian library of existential horror both man made or cosmic

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