His name is Heirloom Tomato [By CyclopsBurger]

I was in a fluffy/animal related art funk when the site was down until recently. I havent been happy with how I draw fluffies so I decided to do a style where it’s more…squart? Squished and chunky. A round boy.

Anyways I love coloring my art and I accidentally colored him with tomato colors. I thought the main fur color looked similar to a heirloom tomato so that’s his name. H.T. for short. Or H. Tomato

Probably not going to do anything with him but I’m only willing to give him to someone if they plan on using him in hugbox or neutral art/stories. Would be really cute if he lived on a farm or in the country


Cutebox and sillybox.

What do you mean?

This looks and sounds cute and silly, and I’m adding “box” to those word to make new genres.