History of failures: SparkleFluffs (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

Today we’ll be looking at one of the pathetic attempts to corner the nostalgia market by Hasbio (in partnership with Armitage industries) with SparkleFluffs.

A fluffy that was intended to be sold on 80s nostalgia and as a sleeping pal for children in need of a night light. SparkleFluffs hit the market in 2018 to a very lukewarm reception, resulting in a great amount of underperformance in expected sales.

The products were recalled and destroyed after two years of painfully slogging along in an apathetic market that had already tired of 80s nostalgia back in the early 00s.

Due to several escapes during shipping incidents, SparkleFluffs can sometimes, but rarely, be found in the wild, although they make up less than a single percentage of the global fluffy population, due to being an easy target for predators.


It’d be hilarious if they were sexually attracted to fire.


Well shit, that’s too funny not to make canon.

And so it shall be.


Just imagine a room filled with these.
Would be pretty cool.


Yes yes yes so much yes, if I may, could I make a story of these dudes and dudettes!!!?!!?!??!?!?!?!


I would be absolutely ecstatic if you did! Please do and @ me when it’s done. I’d love to read it.

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