Hollowing nests [by FluffyStalker]

These hauntings affect mostly fluffies living as ferals in rural areas or the wilderness as it is easier there for nests to be abandoned for long times and for fluffy conflicts to take place wich attracts unwanted things that feed on the death and suffering of the fluffies involved (no they don’t attract abusers).

These hauntings affect nests that are considerable large or enough to have more than two adult fluffies at a time, but their effects are focused on a random individual, if some fluffy is fool enough to claim the nest for itself with or without a herd it has sealed it’s fate as the effects do not target non inhabitant fluffies even if they are near.

This haunting focuses it’s attacks on affecting the victim’s mind to a point where it looks like it operates completely automatically and will not attempt contact with others or aknowledge any attempts of communication from others fluffies or humans (humans aren’t affected by this haunting).

These places look and feel like normal places for both human and fluffies alike, the effects usually start with tiny scratching sounds on the walls of the nest and faint foal chirping always coming from places out of the victims field of view.

After three days of inhabiting the nest the haunting will start causing stronger hallucinations and illusions, even feeling like the victim is being tapped on the back by a cold hoof or being called by name if the victim has one.

After a week and a half the hallucinations and illusions become vivid, even getting physical, like feeling other fur rubbing the victim’s legs and sides or even feeling physically attacked, these attacks have no other effect on the victim’s body other than what its reaction can cause.

In the final stage wich occurs after a month of inhabitance the vivid hallucinations and illusions start depicting the victim’s deepest fears and or traumas, this goes on until the victim is completely broken and unresponsive to other individuals, this haunting goes around the wan die loop, rendering the victim “hollow” as it only attends the basic needs to be alive until it dies, they are often abandoned by their herds as they won’t leave the nest.