Holly Farms - Greenhouse Another Late Night Snack (By GloryKnight and TG_89)

Late one night at the the part of the Farm her parents run i.e. the greenhouse of Holly’s parents a single mare feral and runaway sneaks into the greenhouse

The mare has found here a trove of nummies strange smelling but tasty!
The best to give her babies the best milkies possible!

Eating her fill has had some effects on her

Mummah decides she needs a quick bite to go with the other nummies and her babies taste so good almost… like… sketties…

Why are her babbies acting so strange she just needs some more… skeetie nummies and baby will be fine!

All this back talk angers the mummah who decides to eat her bad-foal

Big chomps later she ends the little guy sadly for the pegasi a push door does not really let one out so he is trapped within and mummah is still hungry

Broken legs and dragged back yellow is horribly injured but not dead as of yet.
After all he is her bestest and he just needs a lesson in that mummah is always right!

Little green though was able to sneak off during all of this and he is hoping beyond hope that he will be safe

  • The fates of these foals will come and the fate of the mummah in a sequel later this year I hope with @TG_89
    Hopefully you all like this.

Some notes and more
In Holly Farms continuity fluffy poop is great composite because of there fast digestion it also makes them develop the munchies every time when fed weed.
This most often leads to a herd sorting itself out as thanks to some of the chemicals other fluffies start to taste like skettie


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:0 was that the bite of 24?!?


Boy, she is going to have the worst come-down once the munchies wear off.


Nicely done


When weed was first mentioned/shown I was picturing mommy rolling up a blunt and smoking it, getting high as fuck. I don’t even know why I even expected that but I just did. Weed causes fluffies to get a severe cases of the munchies that can turn cannibalistic is something I didn’t expect, but I like the idea.


Does pot mess with a fluffy that badly that it makes them crazy from what I know about pot, it’s supposed to make you chill and have munchies

just read the text dang I would say cocaine is a hell of a drug but in the case of fluffy WEED is a hell of a drug

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On the one hand Fluffies are representative of the worst (and sometimes the best) of humanity taken the the nth degree due to lack of biological filter. Where a human would get the munchies for honey roasted peanuts, Fluffy munchies are overdone towards cannibalism to showcase just how far human gluttony could go if unchecked.

On the other hand… it purely depends on headcanon.


It just occurred to me that Mama’s milk may be laced with weed now so that the surviving foal’s may freak out

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This is the best horror movie I’ve seen in a while. :+1:

One bad case of the munchies

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looks like she’s got the “Munchies” for a “California cheeseburger”

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Reefer Madness -Fluffy Edition


Hence why it is labeled Holly Farms as its part of that canon and fits into a theme for it.
Fluffies do not do great in the wild in Holly Farms they can do ok but they have to many flaws.

I want to talk about it at one point and get a chart from someone which illustrates the Generations that Hasbio made and all the other information.

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Darn someone recognized my reference


This comic was awesome :sunglasses:

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Fluffies can’t even imbibe reefer without screwing up it seems.

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is that weed?-


oh shit no

last thing we need is a fluffy addicted to weed