Hot chocolate with friends (artist: Carpdime)


Hot chocolate on a cool autumn evening

A short slice of life piece with the Avocadoverse friends…

It was seven o’clock in the evening. The three fluffy friends were playing quietly in Princess Pinky’s play room when the gentle chime of an alarm clock sounded through the corridor.

Suddenly, Princess Pinky looked up from the book she was reading with excitement.

“Fwiends! It am time for sweet nummies!” Pinky said with delight.

“Sweet nummies?” The blue fluffy asked.

“Yes Bwuebewwy. Evewy dawk time, mummah giv Pinky a wittle sweet nummies.” Pinky said.

“Fwuffies can hav dessewt?” The green fluffy, Avocado asked.

“Yes! Wets go!” Pinky gestured towards the doorway.

Shortly after, the pitter patter of fluffy hooves on the marble floor could be heard approaching the living room.

The young blonde woman who was perusing Instafam on her cell phone looked over to the approaching fluffies.

“Mummah, mummah!” Pinky called out as she leapt onto Amy’s thighs, “Can Pinky an fwiends hav sweet nummies pweaseeeee?” The pink fluffy batted her cute blue eyes in an adorable fashion.

“Of course my little Princess!” Amy replied. She carried her pink Princess to the kitchen counter and took out some cups, “How about some hot chocolate?”

“Oh yes pwease mummah! Pinky wuv chocolate!”

As Amy reached towards the pack of prepackaged chocolate powder that sat on the kitchen shelf, the brown haired young man who was also in the room stepped in and intercepted her motion.

“What the hell are you doing?” The young man asked with disdain.

“I’m making hot chocolate for dessert.” Amy replied with surprise.

“Not with powder you ain’t.”

The young man put away the packet of chocolate powder and took out the block of Belgian chocolate that was sitting in the pantry. With careful measurements of milk, cream and chocolate, he fired up the stove and began making his concoction.

“Jimmy, what are you doing?” Amy crossed her arms with displeasure.

“Shush! This is the only way to make a hot chocolate.”

A few minutes later, with three curious fluffies watching with anticipation, Jimmy poured out the thick, silky, chocolate drink into the cups for serving.

Blueberry was the first to taste his daddy’s creation.

The blue fluffy’s eyes widened at the warm delicious sensation that washed over him with every sip.

“Bwuebewwy! Am sweet chocowate nummies yummy??” Pinky asked her friend impatiently.

“Daddeh’s hot chowcowate am weawwy gud!” Blueberry finally declared. He gave a loving smile to his owner who smiled back while continuing to pour the drinks.

Avocado turned and started to walk away, “Avo nee find daddeh! Avo wan daddeh to hav bestest hot chocowate too!” Avocado’s excited chatter could be heard as he ran off to find his owner.

Amy stood beside Jimmy and put her arm around his shoulders. “You really are full of surprises Jimmy!”

She then turned her attention to her little pink Princess, taking photos of Pinky and her friends who enjoyed their sweet little chocolate treat on a cool autumn evening.


This is so sweet it gave me diabetes, thank you.


too cute :heart:


Share in the glory of chocolate, little friends.

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Avocado is one the fluffies/stories that really hooked me into the community. Will forever love the little guy.


same, its his wholesome antics that led to the way i write my fluffy stories :slight_smile:



Chocolate? Did you say chocolate?




I got hyper-diabetes now!


Love it and cute seeing them drinking chocolate hmmm delicious and relaxing :blush:

And i thought my beetus couldn’t get worse with that trick or treat pic I did.
Anybody got an insulin pen ?

Aw yeah, makin’ that real hot chocolate. ^-^

Always top-notch art and fuzzy feels from you

Jimmy getting some tonight!!! Go boy!

Not all hero wear capes causes No capes