Oh what a lovely kind gentleman with absolutely no ulterior motives whatsoever.
This can only go well
Aw fuck bye bye gud mummah.
50/50, well knowing fluffy luck, and especially a truly kind and loving fluffy always having the most horrible shit happened to them, Connton and her foals chances are 99.99 to 00.01, but hey there’s the microscopic chance, right?
Do not torture that fluf she’s been through hell go torture a smarty instead or take really nice care of her
That’s one evil face.
She is so fucked
Hahaha well bad things gonna happen.
Jfc I’m gonna see that last panel in my nightmares
Part 23?
there will be one but I can’t focus on that right now
do not be that guy and just let her live on a farm or something …
Guess we’ll never know what happens next