How Cruel by Chikahiro

i dont read things on account of my tiny brain lmao, which island?

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In a world where fluffies are everywhere and have an actual (negative) environmental impact odds are they would drive the price of foodstuffs up, eventually becoming a foodstuff themselves to replace the protein and calories they destroyed.

In this world they would, of course, be the cheapest kind of protein around besides bug flours.


Yup. The twist in my timeline is that it turns out fluffy tastes good.


I think many Western countries would find fluffies to be more paletteable than insects. Could see it as a filler. There are companies working on lab grown meat too. Biggest thing is sheer practicality in my opinion. It makes too much sense for the general setting, especially when folks are strapped for cash one way or another.

Western, Eastern, North, South, except maybe people who hates GMOs or countries that have banned them which is most of the EU IIRC.

Countries where eating bugs is a thing its not exactly wealthy people food.

It is fairly common globally and there’s an effort to bring it here. I think it’ll take a generation or two for it to be accepted to any non-niche degree. I’ve had energy bars made from fruit and cricket flour. Not bad, actually.

When you start going all sadbox? I need to visit more often

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Uhm… Good question. Not that I’ve done anything recently. But I think you did see when I said I wanted to expand my emotional palette, so to speak.


Kids are cruel Jack.

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