How do I turn off the dandruff rain on my screen

Like seriously man. Nu wan.


Same, it’s getting a bit on my nerves.

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Funny, I completly ignore this. I don’t know how I can do this.
I understand that a normal person can be pissed off by something like this.

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I’m not especially pissed about it. Just mildly irritated at times when it’s really obvious.


Changing the site theme (not color scheme) should get rid of it! It’s the only way i found that would remove it


That will have to do until they stop shaking out fluffy dandruf.
Stil prefer if it was turned off though.
The ho ho ho days are over.


Oh praise Jesus!

Never realized how nice the site looked until I could actually see it again.

Thank you. :heart:

Sublime is the better of the two options, FKB Pro looks like a social media wannabe.

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Yeah I have it as sublime

It’s now removed from default as well.
If you still see it, just refresh.

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The dandruff is gone.
And there was much rejoicing.

Yes, I suggested the snow.
Yes I know it annoys people.
It just feels right.