Easier than than one would think most of the time, but I would say it depends on the kind of fluffy we’re talking about. If most domestic fluffies lost their favourite toy then they’d explode into tears. I feel like feral fluffies would be a little bit more emotionally hardy. School of hard knocks will do that to you, even if you’re a dribbling pig-rat-horse-thing with the mental faculties and maturity of a wet brained four year old
So I think foals independently of gender would cry the same, if they are hungry, uncomfortable, etc… they will cry, the only way they won’t is if they are unattended enough to get tired of crying or tortured till they react less, thought they would still cry relatively easy
For a more adult fluffy I think it would depend of the kind
A house fluffy which has never meet starve and cold will cry easily because of this, maybe less than a foal but if they see they won’t get food or warm soon they would
Something little like taking their stuffy-friends to wash them or a broken toy would probably make them break in tears
While a more feral fluffy would probably not cry because of this, since it happens day to day
A neglected and more likely tortured fluffy will be probably unstable, with a higher tolerance to some stress but then falling in a wan die loop because of something minimal.
At the end of the day they are sensitive that a less sensitive one will look rough at comparison
Just my pov tho
Denial. simple as that. Deny them everything they want or need and ruthlessly mock them for not having/getting whatever it is in question. Food? Ha ha you hungry little bitch? too bad! Scared of the dark and want a nightlight? Sleep in the closet shit head! Wanna run around and play? You’re livin in the sorry box now!
Pretend it doesn’t exist. Just act as if you can’t see or hear it. Give all the love & affection to their stuffy toy & interact with it as if it is the fluffy instead, name & all.