How to get a head in the polls (by recreationalsadist)

Muffin was a fluffy.

An off-white and tan pegasus fluffy with a brown and blue mane.

Muffin was so happy! He’d been adopted from the Fluffmart he’d been born in!

He had a new daddeh, a saferoom full of toys, and he wasn’t going to get his head nummed!

Muffin’s new daddeh reached down and petted his head. The fluffy cooed and leaned into it.

“Wub nyu daddeh su muchies!”

“I love mone-I mean I love you too, Muffin. Now it’s time for your dinner.”

Muffin gasped.

“Nummies? Yay! Wut am fow dinnew?”

“You’ll be having kibble most nights, but once a week you’ll get spaghetti.”

“Skettis? YAY! WUB SKETTIES! Tank yu su muchies, Daddeh!”

“You fluffies sure are excitable.”

“Yes! Muffin am fwuffy!”

“Yes you are.”

Muffin gleefully devoured the provided kibble and then spent the rest of the evening playing.

That night he went to sleep warm, full, and contented in his bed. It was the happiest day ever!


No, the happiest day was the next day!

Muffin’s Daddeh took him to the fluffy park and Muffin got to play with lots of other fluffies!

There were so many of them and they all wanted to play!

Muffin tired himself out and his Daddeh took him home and told him he was proud of him.

After dinner Muffin contentedly nodded off to sleep. That was the best day ever!


No wait, it was the next day! When Muffin’s Daddeh let him watch FluffTV’s The Leggie Show!


No, it was the next day! When Muffin’s Daddeh spent the whole day playing huggie-tag with him!


No, it was the next day! Which was Sketti Day!

Muffin ate sketties for the first time and they were the best nummies ever!

His Daddeh gave them to him a bit at a time to ensure that Muffin didn’t eat them all at once.

Muffin’s Daddeh was the best Daddeh in the world! He loved him so much!


Many forevers and bright times later Muffin’s Daddeh brought him out to the metal vroom-monster that he’d taken him in to come to their home. The two got in and drove for a bit.

Muffin’s Daddeh got him out of the car and spoke to him.

“There’s going to be a big crowd in there, so I need you to be brave for me, okay?”

Muffin put a determined look on his face. He would be brave for his Daddeh!

“Yes Daddeh, Muffin be bwabe fow yu! Wiww du anyting fow yu! Wub yu su muchies!”

“But first you need to make good poopies where I show you, okay?”

Muffin let his Daddeh pick him up and help him make good poopies on a metal vroom-munstah.

Muffin’s Daddeh chuckled.

“This is just the start, Peterson. I’ll teach you to interfere with my business.”

Muffin’s Daddeh then carried him into a huge room filled with lots of humans and tentacle monsters. There was a stage set up in the back of it with two podiums and microphones.

Muffin’s Daddeh walked up to one of them. The other had an angry-looking man at it.

Muffin’s Daddeh saw that the cameras were rolling and turned on his microphone.

“I’d like to take the time before the debate to thank my opponent for showing up. I understand that it’s hard for a man with the busy schedule of having other people do his work for him to find the time to come here. If only I had the luxury of campaigning AND working at the same time.”

Muffin’s Daddeh’s debate opponent glowered. Muffin wondered why he was so mad.

Then Muffin was being lifted up in front of the cameras.

“This is Muffin. Say hello to the nice people, Muffin.”

Muffin happily waggled his hooves in the air.

“Hewwo! Muffin wubs aww ob yu!”

“I’ve been raising Muffin myself. Seeing to his every need. My opponent Frederick Peterson says I hate fluffies and just want to see them die horribly, but that’s not true. I love Muffin.”

“Muffin wubs yu tuu Daddeh!”

Out in the audience Ricky’s fans have also stood up and are holding their own fluffies up.

"So I want everyone watching this to see what I’m willing to do to something I love. "


Muffin’s owner raises Muffin’s head to his mouth and bites Muffin’s head off.


Doctor Ricky Guerra spits out Muffin’s head along with a mouthful of blood and gleefully looks out at the cameras and audience. He raises Muffin’s headless corpse and flings it at Peterson’s feet.

“If I’m willing to do that to something I love, just think of what I can do for you once in office!”

Frederick Peterson stares in shock and horror.

“Guerra, you monster! What have you done?!”

Ricky raises his hands in the air and his supporters in the audience start clapping.

“Once in power I will let no restraints hold me back from bringing about my agenda! It is not the blood of fluffies that will flow in the streets, but that of those that oppose my righteous vision!”


They throw the fluffies they brought on the floor and begin bashing them to death.

The fluffies try to run, they try to hide, they try to beg, the pegasus fluffies try to fly. One obese light blue pegasus with a yellow mane almost gets to the door but is killed by a random bear trap.


The television anchors were discussing how the debate went while torturing fluffy foals.

“An unorthodox pre-debate tactic, but undoubtedly successful. Guerra is truly a rising star.”


The foal’s pleas are met with another stab with a pin.

“But don’t you think Guerra’s calls for violence are worrying?”


“Oh please, as if saying the blood of his enemies will flow in the street is a call for violence.”

“Yes, I quite agree, hmm. The blood on Guerra’s hands is merely further proof of his ambition.”


“Blood on his hands? Or his mouth? Haha, British laugh British laugh, horse snort, British laugh.”

“I don’t necessarily agree with his social views, but I look forward to his promised tax cuts.”

“NU! NU TAKE SPECIAW-WUMPS! Need dem fow be stawwion!”

“And cuts to social services. To be honest we should just kill the poor like we do fluffies.”

“My God, does nobody care that Guerra’s a madman with a cult?! How is this normal?!”

“You say that, but you’re also cutting off that fluffy foal’s hooves one at a time.”


“This is a fluffy, I’m talking about people for the love of God!”

“Well, God won’t be around once Guerra opens more portals to the tentacle dimension.”

“Ah, how droll! British laugh, inbred chuckle, bad-toothed smile.”

“huuhuu, wan die.”


This was written to see how many people would guess Muffin would get his head eaten.


Frederick Peterson is an original fictional character created by @BFM101 . He’ll lose the election.

The light blue pegasus with a yellow mane belongs to @FallenAngel007


“Isn’t that your hometown?” Artemis asked, turning from the TV to look at Jonathan.

Jonathan solemnly nodded. “Sadly yes. It’s times like these where I realise how my father was able to get away with being an abusive prick for so many years. And how my brother could sustain an bloodthirsty hobby as a primary income.”

“So the chance of a homecoming?”

“Less than fucking zero.”


TV Newsreader: “And in other news due to the following rezonings the new districts are these:”

Artemis: “Oh fuck. Ricky’s going to be our Mayor too now if he wins.”

Jonathan: “Well hopefully Frederick Peterson wins.”

TV Announcer: “Doctor Ricky Guerra’s challenger Frederick Peterson, polling at 33%-”

Jonathan: “Oh fuck.”

If only I could have voted for him…

Wow that turned something wasnt expecting :neutral_face:

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While I did not expect that ending, I am pleased by it.

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