how to lose a medical license ( a short prologue/prequel to "the lab") by minenow

Zelic walked with purpose down the street of restaurants and small shops. this was one of the happiest times of his life. he had just graduated medical school and his brilliance had led him to immediate command of a laboratory, he just needed to think of proper experiments for it. soundly he stopped and heard a short rhythmic sound
“enf enf enf”
“good lord” he thought looking around the corner. he was looking directly at the hips of a small pig like animal moving repeatedly in pelvic thrusts. he quickly identified it as a fluffy and moved on, stepping past the alley as he heard the cry of “good feels”. he wondered how such a childlike mind could have such a sex drive. is there such potential in toddlers? what would happen if you injected the chemicals to induce puberty into infants. his pace quickened as he switched directions toward his lab.


Wow what a sick mind


just wait till he starts in on fluffys


wait which one

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For real… No worry not yours I hope

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ako stratiť lekársku licenciu mal by sa opýtat Josefa