how would a fluffy react to its diet being vegetables and fish

just wanna know


Well, I look at them as opportunistic omnivores. Veggies should be just fine. Fish? Don’t see why not. Raw? Cooked? Probably want to debone it or make sure its soft like sardine bones (nom).

Canned tuna might be good. Actually, fish pate cat food.

Honestly, its better than rooting through people’s trash.


yea but their reaction

depands on the fluffy

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“Dummeh daddeh, dis nu am nummies. Gib sketti ow gib fowebah sweepies” for domestic fluffies.

I don’t think ferals really get to choose.


Or it could be like this

Like I said, depending on the fluffy, thay can have every reaction


It also depends on how you cook the fish. Lutefisk would make them gag but seasoned and breaded tilapia or salmon would make them savor it…And before you ask, lutefisk is made with lye.


Well, depends on where they are. I’d imagine a domestic in a place with lots of fish/seafood would be quite used to fish some how, some way. Similarly, a farmer’s fluffy is going to be quite used to veggies.

I think, so long the food is prepared in a way that has them in mind? They’ll like it. Some things will be better fresh, some steamed or boiled, etc.


A domestic would whine and beg for and eventually demand sketii.

A feral would´t care. Food is food.

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They would prefer pasta (obviously) and in my headcanon they’re usually fed grain-and-alfalfa-based kibble, but in my headcanon they’d be fine with vegetables and some fish. One possible issue is that their systems expect carbohydrates, so the vegetables would need to include starchy vegetables, like potatoes, squash, and parsnips.

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