How would you kill a foal

That’s a pretty sweet way to die.

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Lot of ways, here’s an ides. Tacks.

Buy a package of tacks, and stick as many as you can into the foal, tacks aren’t very deep so you’d probably be able to cover it head to tail and not kill it.

Then just watch. It’ll die eventually.


Roll neodymium magnets at it

I’d just give them to my cat to play with. The high pitched squeal and movement would give her some much needed stimulation and exercise.


With societal neglect

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I just can’t get enough of their cutesy whining and demands. Its a lot of fun to keep it alive and keep denying it’s demands, punish it when it makes demands so it knows it ain’t shit.

Psychological abuse is fun too.

I’d start by giving it an adorable name. Let’s call it princess. It would love the name, refer to itself as such and the moment it inevitably does something shitty. Like pooping somewhere it isn’t supposed to or demanding sketties I’d change its name to shitrat.

They often refer to themselves in third person. It’s music to me when they call themselves degrading names.

It would be punished (preferably with a fly swatter) if it refers to itself with its old name or “fwuffy.” Nope. It gotta call itself shitrat.

Occasional abandonment so it knows I don’t need it/no one needs it and it won’t be getting constant affection. Leave it alone in a box with minimal food and water, starve it of affection (but make sure to give it affection some days so it misses the attention when its gone).

Foals are so gentle, you could kill one with a flick, but breaking it mentally is so much more fun.

But if i really want to kill it, I’d start with pillowing it. Then use it as a stress toy, flick it, squeeze it, starve it, only give it attention when I want to cause it pain.

Eventually all the wounds it accumulates would lead to it perishing.

There’s another idea: trying to make a foal say “I”, even if it breaks their tiny brain.

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No, no, fuck it. Send me to the actual wasps.

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Ah, see, there’s so many variables at play here–does it deserve it? Who’s watching? Is it domesticated or feral?

Well, suppose I walk in on a family of ferals and one of the foals is a dancie baby–deserves it, family watching, feral–then I’d break all of its legs and leave it there. Slow deaths are my favorite, and this one is probably going to get abandoned by its family before it dies since it’s a “dummeh” now–that’s the cherry on top.

But suppose it’s mine and it did something it shouldn’t have, like demand spaghetti–then I feed it spaghetti (actually just ramen with ketchup). And I keep feeding it… and I keep feeding it… and when it can’t eat any more, I force it to eat. I keep forcing ramen down its throat until it bursts. Something poetic about it is compelling to me, I guess.

I’d rather end up in a room with normal, flying wasps.

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i’d leave it outside. I live at the base of a mountain, and we get bobcats n shit coming down all the time, so id just… Toss it. As far as i could and forget about it. But i would really only kill a foal if it was dying or was like… a fucked up bestes’ babbeh.

i like Fluffies.

A better question: how would you not kill a foal?

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Like for really realz? Id throw it in some brush/woodsy area and let nature take its course.

I would create a shock collar with voice recognition which would zap the little turd whenever he said any phrases I didn’t like, such as “dummeh Daddeh” ZAP “am smawtie” ZAP “take sowwy poopies” ZAP.

I’d add in some autoplay features as well though a tiny wireless earbud. Say “wan die” and I don’t want it to loop? Immediately play back in it’s own voice “nu wan die wan wiv fo daddeh bestest daddeh” and see how long that works.

Of course the possibility of actual rehabilitation is next to none, but just seeing how long it could live in this state would be worth it.

Once I made it a good repentant young stallion I’d cut off his dick and make him an enfie mare. Because fuck him that’s why.

Feed it to a cat :smile_cat: :smiling_imp: