How would YOU kill this smarty? (by DummehBabbeh)

Lolllll. I needed this.

Get his dick super hard with Viagra, then snap his dick. Then sodomize him with a baseball bat and beat him to death with the same bat.

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Is he still impaled on the bat during the beating?

Good question.

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What kind of baby? Sensitive Baby? Poopie baby? If its a Sensitive Baby, let Smarty wreck it and praise Smarty. Do all of this in front of Sensitive Babies Mother.

If its a Poopie baby, let Smarty do his worse as the Smarty is more valuable. Cement these ideas in Smarties head, and let him go out on an Enfies Crusade to purge the filth :smiley:


Oh I like you


Well it looks like it has a hard on for some foal ass, so I’d remove its legs, it’s dick, balls and teeth, dye it pink and make it a litter/enfie pal for a bunch of ferals I found off the street. Oh and I’d make it watch videos of other fluffys banging so it knows exactly what’s it’s missing our on

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Personally? I’d go with a slow one; give him food, but slowly reduse the amount. Just below the limit of supporting his life. His body may get use to it, but you keep redusing the amount. It’d get to the point that eating would fill him up, but won’t be that useful to him and would wash away.

But an alt to that, ones he gets thin, give a large amount of food at once and let him dig in. The refeeding by that point would overwalm his body and let him die.


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