How would you try to make money off of fluffies?

ooh it not stated but if fluffy shed, then breeding for them to not and use it like sheeps

Sounds like a good idea until you learn about what a money pit alpacas are


mmh truth but you can’t really abuse alpacas into submissions without the law stepping in

Probably start an OnlyFoals account. A real whiplash channel. I’d pick up chirpies, play with them for a little while, give them all the love and attention, make them happy. Then I’d feed them to Bartholomew (muh snek). Little bit of hugbox, little bit of abuse.


I know a few people who have alpacas and keep sheep for yarn-making. :smiley: I’ve also made yarn from my double-coated dog’s undercoat shed before, that turned out beautifully.

Fluffies would likely be much easier, since they’re on a much smaller scale!

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Happy snake live live feedings!

I think there’s pleeeeenty of stories here that can tell you just how hard taking care of fluffies is despite their small size.

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That’s on a personal scale, not industrial. Pretty much every attempt to push alpaca to the market is a failure because of market saturation and lack of demand. Even wool from sheep isn’t that highly valued beyond luxury items, usually. You’d have to have a luxury brand behind your drive to the market for it to hold any value, and good luck, people seem to think fluffies are actual vermin in most stories. You’d have a better chance making a coat out of rats.

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Crafting community is very different— alpaca yarn has its own demands and properties versus sheep’s wool for yarn. Those who make skeins for crafters tend to have just a few animals and then dye the finished yarn themselves.

Whereas Fluffies are already coloured! I think I’d go for an indie yarn studio kind of deal, rather than an industrial scale. :stuck_out_tongue:

Source: does lots of crochet and some commissions, some people prefer the feel of different animal yarns.

I imagine that Fluffies would make an extremely silky yarn, much like angora rabbits do.


Reading this hurt my brain- mainly because of a wee bit elevated after partaking of the Lord’s Lettuce


If those existed and saw some I’d think what drugs am I on or what drugs do i need to be on

(post deleted by author)

You’d have to be careful some could get out. Even just one breeding pair got free, you could possibly get screwed and not in a fun way if they get into the walls/ceiling, and fill up all they space they can go poopies and peepees and dead fluffies.

(That’s just my idea. Well, a little bit, got the idea from a chapter of Skettiland Trappers.

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Maybe the skins (bad color, unpopular) could be made into things for the homeless to use when it starts getting colder, like blankets, sleeping pads, stuff that could keep you warm- though using several layers since the one layer doesn’t seem to do anything for a fluffy.

The popular or rare colors go into overpriced crap for some rich assholes to buy

If sheep fluffies (or any fluffy version of a fur bearing animal) existed, just shave them and make whatever you want out of the wool.

Wut? I was implying they’re with how many of them they are, and how fast they breed, it’d be useful as cheap dog food.

Maybe breed well-tempered fluffies? Like fluffies that are good with any color and Alicorns, color wouldn’t matter much as long as they are healthy, easy to train and no smarty/bitch mare syndrome I guess. Would probably be great for people who want easy fluffies.

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Come on, you would really do that to dogs? Seems mean.

That would be good :slight_smile: Alicorn in some headcanons are worth a lot more than other types of fluffies, so if you breed alicorns/alicorn friendly fluffies you could make a pretty penny.

As for colors, Im kinda partial to the brown ones that don’t seem to get much love. Id adopt them!