you can’t even keep real breeding horses together like this because the mares will steal each other’s foals and fight over everything. the stable i worked at very carefully scheduled and supervised the mare & her foal’s outside time separate from the entire rest of the herd
Why do horses steal each others babies?
Well, looks like I learned something new today. I had assumed that they would be, at worst, uninterested in each others foals.
because they’re stupid animals that are 99% instinct. they smell a baby, know they’re a mommy, therefore that is THEIR baby and not even God can convince them otherwise.
funnily enough, they kill foals you try to make them adopt on purpose because they know THAT foal isn’t theirs.
horses are equally frustrating and wonderful animals.
The jellen lurks
Well damn. I learned something new today. I didn’t know horses can genuinely steal each other’s foals and now it makes a whole lot more sense on fluffy lore.
Well this has top story 3 lotso vibes, one mawe evetually will be like “Am Mawes Shewtew nao! Othew mummah du wot say!”
then she ends up taking all the pwetty colored babbehs when they arrive. mawes who dare defend their best babbehs are beaten to death by the mawe and her team of bitches.
It’d mainly be the leniency that would be it’s undoing.
A shelter like this could only really function long-term if the people operating it kept a constant eye on the Fluffies and intervened when they started displaying undesirable behavior(of which I see at least three separate examples in the picture); kind of like a daycare actually, though at a daycare the kids go home at the end of every day whereas Fluffies at a shelter would only leave if/when they get adopted.
I just can’t enough of the dark tortoise mare angrily crying.
Literally crying and torturing a small foal over a plate of fucking spaghetti, because she had to forgo stuffing her fat, greedy face with sweeties for one day over an innocent mistake.
Sometimes a single image like that can just perfectly capture everything that makes fluffies so pathetic and punchable.
So they are more similar to fluffies than we thought, hm… peculiar