Hugbox, Dreamsicle (AmbitiousLeather8309)

“Awww he’s so sweet! His little eyebrows are hysterical! And so big and strong! Look how nicely he’s sitting in your hands, too, such a good lil boy!” Dr. Mindy was exuberant looking over the oversized foal sitting calmly in Trish’s cupped hands.

Dreamsicle’s enormous russet eyes were unfocused, darting around the room, not making a sound. His coat was a little wavy and glossy like his mother’s, but creamy white with orange details, like his sire’s colors.

“That’s actually what I was bringing him in for. Yes, he’s very sturdy and healthy. he can use the litter box great and he’s getting lots of milk from Sunny, but…, “ Trish let out a weary sigh, “we have other foals almost the same age who are already saying their first words and playing together. and he seems … oh gosh how do i say it politely? slow?”

Dr. Mindy shined a pen-light in Dreamsicle’s eyes and he shied away from the sudden brightness. the veterinarian snapped her fingers in his little face and he flinched. “Does he make any noises or words at all? not even ‘mummah’ or ‘milkies’?”

“He still chirps and cooes, like a newborn, but only when he’s distressed. He aso doesn’t play normally, he kinda just … sits there and watches bugs. Its kinda creepy.” Trish set Dreamsicle down on the exam table, where he stared at his muddled reflection in the steel surface.

Dr. Mindy shrugged her shoulders. “Do the other foals or mares treat him differently?”

Trish shook her head no.

“I think lil Dreamy here is what the mares call a “Sensitive Baby.” They are usually larger but often don’t develop much past the newborn milestones.”

Dr. Mindy gently brushed the downy soft fluff of Dreamsicle’s puffy cheeks as she explained, “The humane thing to do for sensitive foals is euthanasia; they can really be a burden on a nursing mare. But if your big guy isn’t struggling socially within the herd, or causing you problems, there is no reason he can’t have a long, healthy life as a biotoy. I would recommend neutering. Often the added mental confusion of hormones can make sensitive babies agressive. He’s still very small, so it wont take me but a minute to snip him.”

Trish agreed, even knowing Aiden would be disappointed about losing the potential income from a gorgeous stallion. Trish also knew Aiden’s tender heart and that he would want what is best for the foals.


Or and I’m just spitballing here he’s introverted and mute


Which, frankly, is worse than being a sensitive bebeh, imho. The irl “Trish” says that if Dreamy is actually intelligent and choosing not to speak or has a “fluff-tism” fluffy pony neurodivergence … that this is the start of Dreamsicle’s villian arc.

“what if he’s like Varys from Song of Ice and Fire?” she says, “What if you just made the evillest villain in all of fluffdom by having my character cut off his balls? what if he hates all blue colored mares because of the trauma “Trish” inflicted?”


The thing looks like a fluffy version of jimmy olsen from the old super man comics, all he needs now is a green sweater vest and a red bowtie.


I’d love to babysit Dreamsicle sometime! I’d commit crimes for him.

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i am fine with all my fluffies making guest appearances in other artist’s work. good shit will be canon and meh stuff can be alternate timelines, lol.


I have such a soft spot for sensitive babies, Dreamsicle looks so sweet! Your hugbox is a very comforting presence on here, love it alongside your other work. :two_hearts:


:point_right::point_left::face_holding_back_tears: Thx



Aw, he’s so cute, and thank you so much for not doing the complete bullshit so many people do and acting like disability is something the disabled fluffy did wrong. That just makes me angry on an IRL basis because too many humans get treated like that.