Huge Long Throbbing Lore Post abt Chunk & Lizard & Bangarang (Federalchemical1728)



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(drew the pillo trio as humans for funsies & they look like webcomic characters and i feel called out by myself)

I didn’t even start the post with Chunk OR Lizard OR Bangarang, NOPE it’s Big Red Bastard Man right off the bat lol

((I WILL get back to the last few ppl about the pillow adopts, full honesty I’ve been avoiding it bc I made way too many of them and overwhelmed myself. Once my ducks are in a row I’ll make a new post with just the ones that are left. Gotta make grown-up phone calls today, wish me luck :heart::v:))


Honestly i skimmed the text because its really fucking late here and i’m about to fuck off to bed.
But the art is baller and can’t wait to see more.


wassup lemme reply & thank u while ur trying to sleep :3c
i hope u have sweet dreams about terrible things happening to cute cartoon ponies :heart:

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The fact that Lizard quotes Blue Oyster Cult makes me very happy.

I very much like Chunk. I would like to watch Stranger Things with him.

Then watch The Lost Boys with him and see his reaction to the saxophone guy


Please do take this the wrong way, as I am trans and enjoy being misunderstood as a homophobe due to asking fairly reasonable questions, but do any of the male fluffies in your universe produce offspring on purpose at this point or is it a side-effect of mistaking particularly gruesome mares for male fuckpillows? I’m just curious because I can’t actually find a character who’s not LGBT in your gallery. Not saying there’s anything wrong with being LGBT, again, especially since I’m something of a penis-having breast-possessor myself, but I am reminded of Tumblrworlds where the population of mankind should have declined to zero long ago.


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Its either terrible things or wonderful things, and the two can collude depending on your inclinations.
( i got from extreme hugbox to extreme abuse with nothing in between)

For some reason I’ve taken a liking to Rocky despite him being a bit of a git.
The art helps.
Shame he is dead.

i figure there’s enough cishet fluffies in the world that i dont need to force myself to add more. ive been gifted an enormous absurdist sci-fi nightmare universe sandbox to play in, i may as well play with the toys i know i’ll enjoy.

some of them are Exclusively Gay (like Maverick and Claire) but most of them just aren’t fussy about gender. fluffies are a very Free Love kinda species. sometimes babies happen from huggies & sometimes they don’t, and fluffies certainly aren’t smart enough to figure out why lol


For some reason i wanna see the foals Chunk would produce if he bred mares