Huggies and Love (By DreamMLP) Part 1

Continued from Industrial Sadie.

“Alright Alice, it’s your tenth birthday, do you know what that means?”

Alice stood in front of her parents, attentive as always. Even then, her head was still filled with excitement, today she was ten, and her parents took her to the mall to celebrate.

“Anything I want?” She asked.

“Within limits,” Her mother said.

“Yes, fifty dollars.” Her father handed her two twenties and a ten. “What store do you want to go to?”

Alice looked over the cash in her hand, stars in her eyes. Up until now it had been 20 dollars, but she was a big girl now. A big girl got 50 dollars. She looked up with a smile.

Two hours later the family was walking to the exit, their shopping spree finally at an end. Alice had gotten herself a barbie doll for 10 dollars, and to go with it, a small barbie apartment set for 30 dollars. The last thing she bought was a cute bracelet, for 5 dollars. At that point her parents figured they’d done enough, and began their leave.

Alice was holding the bag containing her doll and playset, on her arm the bracelet. In her other hand was her remaining five dollars. She eyed it, and felt her stomach growl.


“Yes Alice?”

“I’m hungry, can I spend my last five dollars on a snack?” She pointed towards a corner of the mall with various vending machines.

“Sure, sweetie, spend it on whatever you want over there, just come back when you’re done.”

Alice ventured over to the machines, walking past each and looking them over. She found one with snacks. In it a honey-bun sat. Five dollars, just what she had. She raised the bill to the mouth of the machine.


What was that? She looked to the machine next to the snack vendor. Stepping in front of it, she read the top. Foal-in-a-Can! And that’s just what was in it, there were maybe 40 in the machine. All just a bit smaller than a hamster. Some were chirping, others were sucking on the plastic nipple at the end.

One caught her eye, a tiny female, sitting in the bottom row. She squatted down to get a better look. The foal’s coat was the same color as Alice’s hair, a dark yellow. Its eyes weren’t open, and it didn’t move much as it sat curled up in its can, shivering slightly. It was numbered H-1.

Quickly, Alice slipped the bill into the machine, pressing the numbers. The mechanical arm came to life, moving down to the bottom, and grabbing the can. The foal inside shivered more at the sudden motion. Carefully, the robotic arm deposited the can into the tray, and the small door opened. Alice stared at the tiny foal, turning its head around in its glass case. It gave a small ”Chirp!

Alice grabbed the can, slowly holding it closer, getting a better look.

She walked back to her parents, holding the can in her hands. Her dad was the first to notice.

“Um… that’s not a snack.” He said.

“It’s a fluffy!” Alice replied, holding up the can with the yellow foal.

“Yeah… we thought you were just getting a snack.”

“But I saw her in the machine, she was scared! And she’s so cute!” Alice was now making her puppy-eyes at her parents.

“A fluffy is a big responsibility.” Her mother said, “and who knows what that company did to it before it ended up here.”

“I can take care of her!” Alice said, “I’ve gotten all A’s and B’s this year so far!”

“Guess you have…” her dad said. “Alright, we can take her for a couple days as a ‘trial’. But keep her in the can until it’s empty, just in case… well, don’t name her until then. Let’s go.”

“Yay! Thank you dad!” She gave her father a hug, keeping the can firmly in her hand.

With her other hand she picked up the bag with her new barbie set, holding the can carefully in the other. She stared at it the whole ride home.

Why did dad say I shouldn’t name you? Silly. You’re so cute! The foal suckled from the nipple at the end of the can, the inside of the car was warm, warmer than anything she’d known since her far off and forever unknown mother pushed her out. She was even moving around more, placing her front hooves on the nipple, attempting to get as much as she could.

She’s hugging the can! AAAA! That’s it-

“Huggie!” She said out loud.

Dear lord. Dad thought, she named it.


Gud luck with that kiddo :joy:


5 bucks for a honey bun? Goddamn


Would have been hilarious if when the parents told her, “that’s not a snack”, Alice simply took the fluffy out of the can and bit into it :rofl:


I’m looking forward to reading more!


Is this story still goi g?

You’d think that but with inflation is might as well be that 20 from your youth.

This is now canon

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