Alright, after god knows how long, I’ve returned for the sequels to my first story on this site. I was dealing with some personal stuff (by personal, I mean I was putting away an 18 pack of beer a night every night for I don’t know how long lol). But I’m excited to bring you folks the sequel nonetheless, so please do enjoy!
“Nope, no-can do.” Thalia says as Jack groans, exasperated, following the woman, “Thalia please for the love of god, you’re the fucking veterinary supervisor, just tell them that Popcorn needs to be spayed for her health or something.” He asks pleadingly. Thalia waves him off with one of her mannish hands, “No chance Jack, Yellow and Gold? Compound that with the fact that her last litter was all alicorns? Shit I’d be better off handing in my resignation than trying to convince them I can spay her.” She explains, her southern accent thick and making Jack falter for a moment.
“Thalia come on she starved all of her babies to death, at the very least cover her mouth permanently.” Jack begs, exasperated as Thalia grabs her coat and throws it on her large frame, “Sorry Jack, it’s like I said, best I could do for you is pillow her and give a feeding tube, the big bosses were already pissed enough about that.” She responds casually as she grabs her keys. She stops at the door and gives Jack a look of almost pity, “Just try to take it easy tonight, okay sugar?” She says before waving and leaving Jack at the night desk alone.
He sighs deeply, taking a long drink of his coffee before picking up the list of tasks day shift had so politely left him, which consisted of two things, shit that they were too lazy to deal with, and his normal work. With an angry sigh, he slapped the clipboard back onto the desk and stood up for his first nightly patrol.
He lit a cigarette and began the trek around the facility, stopping first at the “High-Dollar” enclosure, where the best colors were kept, including Popcorn. “Mistew Jack…c-can Popcown howd babbehs now?” She asks miserably, leaned up against the wall and pillowed now, her newest litter fed hungrily at her teats as the other fluffy couple watched her in disgust. “Can you eat shit? Homicidal bitch.” He mumbled under his breath and placed her feeding tube back on, after a quick check that all the new chirpies were healthy (they were) he continued on to the other two fluffies, a much more well behaved pair that the owners of the farm, a senile old couple with deep pockets, had named Rod and Jasmine. “Hewwo mistew Jack! Babbehs am aww happy!” Jasmine exclaims, indeed, her babies were piled up and sleeping in the doghouse, lulled to sleep by the hum of the lights outside the enclosure, “Good job you two, now remember what happens in a couple weeks.” He says gently, scratching them both behind the ears, “Aww babbehs get nyu Mummah and daddeh and housie.” Rod said, memorizing the schedule like the back of his hand by now, “Exactly.” Jack said, giving the pair of them a treat before turning to Popcorn, “Your’s too.” He says casually before getting the exact response he wanted, in Popcorn screaming angrily into her feeding tube. He chuckled as he left the enclosure and moved on to the next.
“Hewwo mistew Jack! Time fow skettis?” A mare asks happily as Jack enters the shack labeled “Euthanasia, Emergency Surgery, Foal Termination”, it was full of caged fluffies. Now these guys weren’t killed for “bad colors”, hell even most smarties didn’t end up here. The only time a fluffy came here was if their pregnancy could result in their death, if a Smarty was an extremely lost cause, or a fluffy was terminally ill, Jack hated this part of the job, despite all the effort they went through to make the shack more comfortable, he knew of some fluffies that deserved this fate way more than others.
“Sure is sweetie.” He sighs as he reads her sign, “Possible fetal death, abortion required.” He sighed and set the clipboard aside, he turned around to begin fixing the “meal”, a bowl of spaghetti with a few choice chemicals mixed in before handing it to her. “Fank you mistew Jack!” She exclaimed cluelessly before diving into it, scarfing it down. He didn’t respond as he moved onto the next one, here he was, Popcorn’s old “Special Friend”. The purple unicorn stallion stomped his hoof and snorted, “Wet Gwapist out fow enfies nao!” He demanded. “Enfies are what got you in here in the first place dumb fuck.” Jack responds calmly as he walks past the “safe rooms” they used for euthanasia and unlocked the surgical room.
Indeed, Grapist, formerly known as simply Flash, had been Popcorn’s special friend for a whopping three weeks after he’d broken into an enclosure through a small hole in the fence. The old couple wanted to keep him around “He’s so pretty!” The old bitch had cooed as he went to town on Popcorn, however, apparently one mare wasn’t enough, as he’d attempted to make a move on Jasmine as she’d slept, Rod sorted him out and took out quite a few of his teeth. Normally, that’d be a good hint to fuck off, but, not one to be deterred, Flash set his sights on one of their foals. Jack hadn’t been on duty but Thalia ended up ripping his balls off with her bare hands. Again, this would be a good sign for most fluffies to fuck off, but Flash, now known as Grapist thanks to Thalia, wasn’t most fluffies, and Jack had found him trying to bang one of his own foals while Popcorn dawdled on her “Bestest”.
Jack hadn’t remembered ever throwing a fluffy in this shack so fast and so angrily before. “Gwapist am bestest smawty, get enfies when Gwapist WANT!” He proclaimed, stomping his hoof again, “Oh! Well shit when you put it that way, come on.” Jack says in mock surrender. Grapist had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face as Jack took him into the surgical room, he wasn’t going to be able to kill the little shit, but he had something much better in mind. He put in his earbuds to block out the sound of the mare crying in the other room, “Huuu, why babbehs nu wakies…too soon fow babbehs, gib Mummah huggies babbehs!”
“Popcorn! I have a surprise! You too Rod, Jasmine!” Jack called after finishing his rounds of the other fluffy enclosures, Popcorn looked up balefully through her feeding mask, but her eyes brightened as she saw her former special friend! But he was…he was… “This is your new litter pal! And new enfie pal for Rod if you ever get tired.” He adds jokingly to Jasmine. Rod stomps and stands in front of Jasmine, “Dat am bad fwuffeh Fwash! He gib bad speciaw huggies to aww da fwuffies!” He snorts angrily, “Be quiet dummeh! Fwuffy am cawwed Gwapist nao! Dummeh mistew Jack fink boxie can howd fwuffeh, but Gwapist find a way out!” Grapist shouts defiantly as he desperately tries to get out.
Jack chanced a glance at his phone, fuck yes, 7 AM, “Alright you guys, have fun getting reacquainted!” Jack calls with a chuckle. As he lights a celebratory “Time to go the fuck home cigarette”, he happens to hear the sound of Grapist screeching and Rod shouting “Wod not twapped in hewe wif Gwapist, GWAPIST TWAPPED IN HEWE WIF WOD!”
I hope to try and cover some other fluffies that aren’t just Popcorn, this is more just a way for me to get back into the general vibe of my story after such a long break. Let me know what you think and I appreciate the read!