I just... I have to... (Posted by StramgeGanbles)

My ADHD has been absolutely wrecking me, so I’m struggling to accomplish anything.
May I offer you some shitpost in these trying times?
There’s this one scene from Home Movies which has always tickled me, and years ago became part of an in-joke amongst a small group of friends I had.
It came up again in my memory, and I joked a little to myself, and now I have to share it here because it won’t stop bouncing around my brain unless I let it out.

A strawman situation for comedic purposes of a situation…

(But seriously, this just me affectionately poking fun at the generalization of how hugboxers and abusers are often represented in jokes, same with conflicts between them. In other words, this is a bit of a joke of a joke. I think the many types of fluffy artists is vital for the community even functioning, so, I more or less like to find humor in the chaos of such a bizarrely specific community. It’s kinda amazing that the community ever became a thing in the first place, and in that respect, experiencing the works of the folks here is about as fun to me as I am able to make it, and I tend to have fun. Thank you, everyone, for still being here.)

One abuseish neutralboxer, vs a group of hugboxish sadboxers:


All I can picture is a bunch of hugboxers dressed as fluffiest surrounding an abuser and chanting MAN HUG MAN HUG

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