I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream... -GooGooDa

Not much to say on this one.


I’d drop him face first in a tall cup of ice cream and let him enjoy it until he notices his hooves have worstest coldies and then it starts to melt so he drowns.


Having a pillowed smarty who still retains that behavior at a workdesk would be great.
Just flick it now and then when your bitch of a boss is stressing you out, since it’s a micro it’s probably easy to tune out as you’re working.


Even though he is pillowed, I do like the idea of just throwing his severed legs in with him lol.

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Worst case scenario you put an eraser in it’s mouth, though that might give it the comfort of suckling on something, so I’m still workshopping it…

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Weggies cum back…
Ou’ can bwam it aww, on~ eggyowk…


Maybe so but that’ll probably keep its mind together for a bit longer if you want to really torture it.
Just think how happy HR would be that you’re not blowing through fluffies as fast!

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Shove the spoon on it’s poopie place ( once you have used it…)

I wouldnt have even pillowed him. Knowing he is completely helpless even with legs makes them even more useless.

Pillows alwayd think they could escape their suffering if they had their legs. Pillowing is good for long term psychological abuse. Leaving them on makes shorter term torment better.


Hr’s new source for them pre-pillow and heart brand their micros due to complaints about little Weggies scattered around the office and ruining perfectly good pencil sharpeners :(.

When looking for a job be sure to find a company that hands you still legged Micros!!


Make a pencil sharpener look like a mare’s special place


I want my ice cream, I made sure to remind him of his position :laughing:

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If you added pheromones, you wouldn’t even have to paint it pink.

That is one rotten egg yolk. Feed him Lysol to get rid of the smell.

(Fun fact: Lysol was at one time recommended as a home abortifacient. Relive the good old days with your ensyphilated whore of a fluffy mare!)

(Seriously, these ads were tacit instructions for early-stage home abortions.)


My favorite


I think its more the smell but I’d have to look more into it.

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You gonna let that shit pig scream like that? Your office fellow workers won’t like that!


Scramble him

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Maybe he bites off a bit of the eraser while suckling and then chokes to death because he swallowed the piece still in his mouth?

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Use a safety pin to hold mouth shut with piercing straight down through.

Or let the automatic stapler bash and staple his mouth shut.