I showed my little sister some of the community’s art

The sad thing is that, like it or not, kids are going to be exposed to this content, one way or the other. That being said, and while I do think Fluffycommunity specifically should be adults-only, I think certain aspects and elements of fluffies, especially hugbox, can be made palatable and even enriching for kids.


Its never too late. If it was too late, I would have given up on fluffies after discovering the fandom initially. While the culture shock of noticing the abuse, gore and violence is there, I also found a trove of engaging stories, especially from the non-abuse side. It was my interest in many fluffy characters created by people like Waggytail, Squeakyfriend, @Pinkyfluffy , Coalheart, @Carpdime and so on that got me to stay in the fandom. And with newer hugboxers coming in like @CookieCrunch and @Chikahiro , I think there is space to develop fluffies in a way outside of just pure shock content.

To me, hugbox is important, not only to balance the darker and violent sides of the fandom (which is arguably needed), but to give a more public face to the content, as well as to diversify and enrich it. I think this idea of purely thinking of fluffies as niche content and/or limiting enjoyment of it purely in a specific way (read: stress relief, anger management, etc) limits the attachment of value to the fandom and its characters, which is why people had dropped off over time. A personal belief of mine is that fluffy characters should be thought of in more ways beyond just abuse or simple hugging. And I think for that to happen, people need to start attaching more value to fluffy characters.


@Thatmotherfluffer Actually, and now that I think about it, I think you should get your little sister to read The Unicorn who flew:

This was the closest thing to a children’s bedtime story that I found the booru. And yes, this is a story I would show to little kids. Its the kind of content I’ve been looking for on the booru because people tend to focus on the edgy and shocking content, but forget that there’s also a lot of wholseome and engaging content.