I told an AI to write a story about fluffy pony abuse (by wasp??)

This story is written entirely by an AI.

Once upon a time, there was a fluffy pony named Fluffy. Fluffy was an abused pony. His owner would hit him, kick him, and pull his mane. Fluffy was always scared and never knew when his owner would hurt him again.

One day, Fluffy’s owner took him to a field and left him there. Fluffy was terrified. He didn’t know what to do or where to go. He wandered around the field for hours, until he finally found a path that led him to a small town.

Fluffy didn’t know anyone in the town, but he was so tired and scared that he decided to just stay there. He found a small stall at the edge of town and curled up in the straw.

The next morning, a woman named Sarah found Fluffy in the stall. She could see how scared and skinny he was. She took him home and gave him food and water. She also brushed his mane and gave him a bath.

Fluffy was so happy to finally be with someone who was kind to him. He loved spending time with Sarah and her family. He never wanted to leave their side.

Sadly, one day Sarah’s family had to move away and they couldn’t take Fluffy with them. They left him at the town’s animal shelter.

The shelter was a sad place. There were so many animals there that were scared and didn’t have anyone to love them. Fluffy was terrified that he would never find a home again.

But then, one day, a family came to the shelter and they fell in love with Fluffy immediately. They took him home and he finally had the happy ending he deserved.


Fluffy is abused because yes… gets saved by good human… I see no difference from most stories. /s

In all seriousness, it’s basically a decent fluffy story’s bone structure.

AI’s are getting too advanced man.

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An AI wrote this??? I would have thought this was written by a person. It’s weird how you have AI that can put together a story that makes decent sense,and then you have the AI that wrote the travesty that was Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Very Large Pile of Ash.

False advertising, this is neutral-box at best.

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Yeah its almost creepy how un-nonsensical it is, I thought I would’ve gotten some weird gibberish crap but it came out quite good (i used beta.openai.com btw)

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If AI keeps going at this rate,the world won’t even need authors anymore,haha.