I wanna belong to you [by Maple]

Proper entry into the hugbox discords earworm contest this time!

“Yu am sneakies into pawk again?” The snide blue mare asked as you walked past her nest. You didn’t reply to her, head down and focused on your path.“He nu am wub yu!” She called after you. “Stawwion aww jus’ wan’ enfies, he am nu wub yu!”

“Nu askies…” you muttered.

You are Holly, a green and dark red unicorn, ignoring the feral mare heckling you again as you made your way to the fluffy park. What did she know? You’d met many stallions, some just wanted enfies but most were just like any other fluffy. Rodger was different than any of them though, a broad shouldered blue earthie with a short cropped yellow mane. You began to smile just thinking of him. He begged his mummah to bring him to the park every single day just to see you, and he told you all about how well behaved he had to be to be able to come. He even gave up sketti day for this! You’d never had sketties, but just the idea of it made your heart flutter. No one had loved you like this before, not even your mummah!

You sniffed along the fence for your usual entry point, pushing under the loose chain link when you found it. The sharp ends of the wire dug into your back as you dragged yourself under. It hurt, but it was the only way in. You’d been kicked away from the entrance gate before, back when you just wanted to look for nummies.

Waddling out from under the bushes by the fence you blinked in the bright sunlight. Many fluffies played in the grass of the park, and you squinted as you tried to make out the shape of your bestest friend.

“Howwy!” His voice made your heart jump into your throat, and you turned to see him galloping towards you.

“Wodgew!” You held out your hooves and embraced his tackle, sending the two of you tumbling into a giggling pile.

“Howwy miss yu!” You said as you nuzzled into his neck.

“Wodgew miss yu tu! Did Howwy hab guud dawk tiem?”

“Yus.” You lied. It had been a very cold night in your little burrow, with the wind whistling outside blowing the rain inside no matter how far from the entrance you lay.

“Am su happy!” He wrapped his hooves around you tighter. “Hab wowstest wowwies, wain was su scawy aww night!”

You forced a reassuring smile. “Howwy hab nice wawm nestie, nu wowwy.” You just didn’t want him to worry. Life as a feral was not easy to say the least, but he shouldn’t have to think about it.

Rodger untangled himself from you, scrambling to his hooves. “Wan pway huggie tag?”

“Yus!” You chirped, rolling over and darting away from him. “Yu nu can catch Howwy!”

Later the two of you lay on the soft grass in the shade of one of the climbing structures, catching your breath. You chewed your lip, trying to find the courage to ask him what had been on your mind since the day you met.

After a moment of holding your breath, you managed to get the words out. “Du Wodgew… wan be spechow fwends?” Rodger gasped. You looked to him hopefully with a small smile.

“Wodgew… Wodgew wan’ buh…” he trailed off, looking away. You felt the first crack form in your chest as you waited for his reply. “Mummah teww fwuffy nu spechow fwends. Fwuffy am sowwy.” He couldn’t look at you as he said it.

“Oh.” was all you could say as everything came crashing down around you.

“Fwuffies can be bestest fwends tho!” He gave you a wide smile, but you could see the anxiety in his eyes. You tried your best to return the smile.

“Otay, bestest fwend.”

The two of you sat in the grass in silence for a long moment. There was nothing more you could want than to spend the rest of your life by his side, you would prefer for that to be as his special friend but… you’d take being his bestest friend.

“… Du Howwy wan’ pway wif baww?” He asked, breaking the silence.


“Wodgew gu get den!” He hopped to his hooves, shaking the grass from his fluff, and started trotting over to a ball at the far side of the park.

You watched him go, tail swishing with each step, wondering what you could do. There was a lady sitting on a bench to your right, playing with one of those little black rectangle things humans always had. With her bright blue hair you recognized her as Rodger’s mummah. The one that said you couldn’t be together. You gathered your legs under yourself and stood, trotting over to her. Maybe she could be reasoned with.

Humans had never treated you kindly outside of this park, they would call you mean names and throw things at you. You thought all humans were meanies until you found this park, within the fence humans spoke kindly to you. You found out they only hated fluffies without a human to care for them, and while you were in the park they just assumed you had a mummah or daddeh. They would even give you snacks sometimes! Maybe you could reason with Rodger’s mummah, convince her that Rodger needed a special friend.

“Escooze me, nice wady?” You sat at the blue haired lady’s feet.

“Hm?” She looked up from her little rectangle. “Can I help you sweetie?”

“Am Howwy, Wodgew’s bestest fwend.”

“Oh! Hello! It’s nice to meet you!” She leaned down and ruffled your mane, and you leaned into the friendly touch.

“Tank’oo fo’ petties!” You chirped.

“Oh, you’re such a polite girl! Are you new here?”

“Uhmm, nu, Howwy been hewe- uh, Howwy cum hewe- ebwy day.”

“Oh, Rodger just hasn’t mentioned you then.”

You frowned, but shook it off. “Howwy wan’ ask wai Wodgew nu can hab spechow fwend.”

“… Oh… um…” Rodger’s mummah looked around awkwardly. “I told him he could have one if he met a fluffy he really liked…”


“Yeah… sorry honey, I think he was trying to politely reject you…”

You stared at her, wide eyed. He didn’t even mention you to her. He lied to you. He just… didn’t like you as much as you thought.


That meanie mare was right. Tears streamed down your cheeks as your breath caught in your throat.

“HOWWY!” You felt Rodger’s hooves wrap around you and you shook him off.

“WAI?! WAI WIE TU HOWWY?!” You screamed, vision blurring from the tears.

“Wha’- nu, Howwy pwease, Fwuffy can ‘spwain-”


“WODGEW NU HAB SPECHOW WUMPS!” He yelled back at you.

You stared at him as he collapsed in the grass, hiding his face. “… Wha’?”

“Huu…Wodgew nu hab spechow wumps… huu huu… nu fwuffy wan dummeh spechow fwend dat nu can be daddeh… huuuuu…” he sobbed into his hooves.

“The shelters have to take their special lumps, it’s city policy.” Rodger’s mummah explained. “I got him some replacements that look real, but he can’t have any babies.”

“Nebah hab babbehs… huu… nebah hab spechow fwend…” Rodger sobbed.

“I tried telling him there were fluffies out there that didn’t care but… well, we had trouble finding one.” His mummah continued.

You looked down at the sobbing pile of fluff at your hooves. “Wai nu teww?”

Rodger sniffled, wiping his nose on his arm fluff. “Nu wan pretty mawe weabe Wodgew befowe hab’ chance tu… tu knu!” He buried his face in his hooves. “Wodgew su sowwy, nu wan huwt nice Howwy.”

You sighed softly. “Howwy fo’gib, if Wodgew du wun ting.”

“Huu… anything!”

“Wodgew ask dis tiem.”

He lifted his head, staring at you in confusion. “…Wha?”

“Wodgew ask to be spechow fwend.” You sat down in the grass in front of him.

“Eben tho nu hab wumps?”

“Nu knu tiww askies.” You smiled at him, watching a grin spread across his face.

“Pwetty mawe wait hewe den!” He scrambled to his hooves and ran over to a patch of clover, returning with a mouthful of their flowers that he deposited at your feet. Clearing his throat, he spoke. “Howwy am pwettiest and nicest mawe Wodgew ebah met! Wiww be spechow fwend?”

“Yus!” You held out your hooves for a hug as he lept into you, covering you in kisses. You giggled and returned them, nuzzling deep into his neck.

Once Rodger let you back to your feet, his mummah knelt down next to you. “Where’s your owner, honey? I’ll get their number and we’ll plan some playdates.”

“Oh… uhm…” you rubbed your hooves in the grass anxiously. “Uhmm… Howwy nu hab ownah…”

“Well, that’s not going to work.” Rodger’s mummah stood, tapping at her little black rectangle.

You felt your chest crack for a second time. Of course she wouldn’t want her good fluffy having a dirty feral as a special friend, what were you thinking? You slowly sunk to the ground, trying to hold back a sob.

“Mummah, nu! Howwy am guud fwuffy! Wodgew can visit hewe, wike awways!!” Rodger cried.

“Hm? Oh! Sorry!” You felt her hand rest on your back. “I’m just seeing if Rodger’s vet has an opening today, you’re coming home with us!”

“…Home…” You looked up at her kind smile in wonder.

“Howwy cum homesies?!” Rodger squealed.

“I can’t have your special friend living at the park! Absolutely not.” She put the little rectangle to her ear. “You two go play, I’m going to talk to the vet and when I’m done why don’t we go get some sketties to celebrate?”

“SKETTIES!” He cheered, wrapping his hooves around you once again. “SPECHOW FWEND CUM HOME AND HAB SKETTIES!! DIS AM BESTEST DAY!!”


This is adorable. Holly and Rodger actually seem like well-behaved fluffies. It can be hard to find a decent partner when sterile, and Holly’s open mind is a good trait, especially given how obsessed fluffies are with babies.


Almost a cosmic shame those traits won’t get passed
Seriously good work maple hurts just right


That was beyond loving. Thank you for giving me the biggest smile & heartwarmth during an otherwise rough patch in life. :heart_eyes_cat:


I thought this would end kinda sad ix. But happy that it didn’t!