If hatred had a face by(that1hugboxer)

This is a continuation of A long way from Brisbane by(that1hugboxer)

You are Cadwyn, you have made a huge mistake and now true to his word Daddeh has you strapped down to a table awaiting amputation of your limbs.

You look up at daddeh with tears in your eyes.

“Daddy! Please nu take Cadwyn legs! Am good fluffy!”


Your ears fold flat against your head out of fear.

“You had one Job Cadwyn. ONE JOB!”

“Buh dat am dummeh babbeh.”

You point your hoof to the Half crushed body of a crying Waru.

Daddeh begins to sob angrily.

“I gave you a food , a place to live, plenty of friends, I gave you love, and all I asked in return is for you to feed Waru 3 times a day!!!”

He picks up Waru .

“P…Please forgive me Waru!”

With one swift motion Daddeh snaps waru’s neck and the crying stops.

Daddeh turns to you with tears rolling down his face.

“ Cadwyn …This is not something I just chalk up to fluffy stupidity .”

You plea with Daddeh.

“Cadwyn pwomise nu du it again! Daddeh pwease! was accident! was accident!!!”

But Daddeh just ignores you.

A black bag is placed over your head and you feel a slow but steady drip of water hit your head in a rhythmic pattern.


No response

“Cadwyn am scawed ov da dawk!!! Nu wike Wawa!”

“DADDEH!!! Pwease sabe Cadwyn!”

You cry out over and over for daddeh but he never answers. Eventually you start to see monsters in the darkness.

You cry until your voice is hoarse but still daddeh never answers.

“Hu! Hu!!! H…… peep! Peep!”

This goes on for what feels like an eternity until you simply cry yourself to sleep.

You awake to find yourself in the light again . You feel something wired clamped around your bottom.
You look down in horror as you realize you’re wearing a diaper. You attempt to protest out but something is wrong something is missing. You have no teeth.

“Wahhhh!!! Duh duh!!! Duh duh !!!”

Daddy walks up and places a bowl full of fluffy mush in front of you then sits in his rocking chair and smokes his pipe.

You are so hungry that you eat it all despite how bad it tastes.

You realize that you still have all of your legs.

“Duh Duh! Peez gi Cadyn teeheez bah!!!”

Daddeh smiles at you briefly before picking up a book to read.

You continue to beg over and over for Daddeh to give your teeth back but to no avail .

This is your life now and though you are well taken care of you now wish for nothing more than it all to end.

But You can’t even express your desire to die.

You attempt to cry but all that comes out are shrill “PEEPS!”.


I mean, if some asshole hurt my cat, I’d do the same to them. I can’t blame him.


Mr Kukatja as you will see later, has done some
Very bad things in his past, but even he still has lines he won’t cross

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Being evil and being a monster are two similar, but still different things, with every monster being evil but someone who is evil is not always a monster. The difference being, one has a line they are very reluctant to cross or will never cross, and the other doesn’t have that line.


You take his baby, he make you da baby.


Fluffies, you take your eyes off them for one minute and they fuck it all up. She had one job, just one job. Felt sad for Waru.

Water torture is some shit I do say.


Honestly I am in the camp that is glad Waru died painfully to be honest, Greatful even.

I gotta throw you guys a bone every once in a while


oh shit someone from brisbane too on here? thats crazy welcome, not a hugboxer but your stories are great for abuse inspiration


Welcome. I have a lot of ideas for fluffy abuse but i typically don’t do abuse stories. At least not in the traditional sense

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I’m glad I could give you some inspiration

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no thats all good, each to their own as its all feeling based, I see fluffies I would love to take care of and also mainly ones I wanna hurt but you have some great stuff for inspo, love it man keep it up thinking of doing my own because of you not to sure


I look at it like this. Yes there are lots of bad fluffies but a vast majority of owners don’t start setting boundaries with them until it’s far too late. If you let a toddler do whatever they want. Don’t be surprised when they grow into selfish adults with no empathy

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oh I see more of a human connection with the fluffies you feel, personally not saying im better in anyway but see them as nothing but manmade toys to abuse, but to a certain level a fluffy who takes so much pain yet remains positive, with a few factors I dont think I could figure out for me to be a hugboxer, but goddam if fluffies were real it be a good living


I get it. People have cuteness aggression.

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actually I was thinking about this and if you really wanna think about it people who kinder better, to not abuse just simply a better thing, but I wonder scientifically about the world and if so much abuse was allowed to fluffies would it create a violent outlet away from humans or create more of a sadistic world in the common place


There’s something to be said about killing fluffies because their population is growing out of control.

If fluffies were as described in lore a pest that destroys crops on such a scale that it caused famine.

People would have torched hasbio to the ground.

The only explanation on why fluffy production increased would be a bread and circuses situation

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eh most dont survive out in the wild but I like the idea of entire ecosystems being disrupted because of fluffies, certain prey or predator outgrowing its equilibrium, especially rats in cities, from what ive read lore wise the weird anime thing as a character, that post whch I like the most but I mean anyones canon can be canon like the SCP idk if people do that here, first time chatting really but I like the idea of micro fluffies being smarty for abuse plot also due to brain to body size with the similar fluffy brain