Sup, I’ll be back at drawing today!
If you commissioned something, I’ll be working on it this week :V
Dunno if you can see it, but there’s a difference from my average drawings here, all my brushes I made with love died together with old pc, so here I go again find all of them again and their correct presets
- Unfortunately, new pc parts STILL didn’t arrive (I’m getting foking crazy, basically 2 weeks without a proper pc)
So I decided to install the drawing tablet on my laptop.
Why didn’t you do this like 2 weeks ago ?
Well, drawing using my Old laptop is not something THAT good you know,even slower E.E’, also my whole setup has cables and usb hubs all fixed under my desk. I made it all from zero, even from the table, which is a big wooden door I fixed on the wall xD
So I didn’t want to disconnect it all since it was SUPPOSED to arrive soon which all parts did, except for the last part (processor) which still not here yet (son of a b#)
Today I decided I’ve had enough of it, and even if arrives today or later this week, I dragged all cables over here, disconnected the whole fuckshittery of it and connected to the laptop, so let’s get drawing again ^^
That’s it, thank you ^^
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!
I’m living in your walls