I'm broke now haha, Commission me? (LemonCurds)

So yeah, I had to have a root canal and that is a whooping 500 dollars… Soooo time to beg the community for money in exchange for arts and crafts!

A messy sketch is
$2 (+ $1 for any extra fluffy or person you want added)

Clean sketch is
$3 (+ $1 for any extra fluffy or person you want added)

$10 (+$4 for any extra fluffy or person)

Flat colours
$15 (+$5 for any extra fluffy or person)

Colour and shade (random colour background or none)
$20 (+$10 for any extra fluffy or person)

Full scene
$30 (+$10 for any extra fluffy or person)
Lil extra stuff like toys or such is free because I feel bad for my prices ;-;

Now for something a bit new and VERY EXPENSIVE
Hand crocheted plush.
I have fluffy sake fur yarn but only in 2 colours that being white and gray which I would like to use to crochet fluffy plushies with.

Now, the price for a fluffy plush will be between 70-100 dollars because it requires way more time and skill for me to make one. Not to mention the materials.

All prices are negotiable and if you wanna simply help a girl out you can toss a coin, you can do that too and I’ll probably doodle you a lil thank you fluffy


Universal healthcare as long as it doesn’t happen to be your teeth causing issues. Know it all too well. :no_mouth:

Borde finnas högkostnadsskydd för tandvård med…


Håller med, förstår inte att om du bryter benet i armen så kostar det typ 500kr för att få det fixat men om de konstiga benen i munnen som du tuggar med går sönder. Fan, dags att sälja en njure för att betala den fakturan! :skippy1:

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I am excited for this would like to talk with you on that.

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That’s what I need most, but can’t get

The struggle is real. Teeth are part of the body & if something goes wrong with them an infection can spread throughout your body & potentially kill you. :scream:

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the rich really do have everything, like teeth…

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Same goes for Sweden. Universal healthcare is not universal as it does not cover dentistry. :man_facepalming:t3: