In a dystopian future, FluffyMart Corporation is always watching you...(artist: Carpdime)


This picture sounds something like this:



That looks awesome! Also “this picture sounds like” yeah seems legit

In 2077 they voted Fluffymart City as the worst place to own a fluffy. Main issues? Sky high rate of abuse, And more fluffies living below the sketti line than anywhere else. Can’t deny it - it’s all true… but everybody still wants to own a fluffy here. This city’s always got wub an’ huggies for fwuffy. Might be wowstest saddies and not true, but it’s there… Just around the corner… and it keeps you going. It’s a city of fluffies. And I’m big on fluffies…


Big Bwudda is aways watchin!

I would totally play this game

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Cyberpunk fluffies as done by Carpdime. My experience with this fandom is complete.

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Ok this is awesome, something totally different