In Search of Perfection (Scipio)

This is my first attempt at writing a Fluffy story, a little something I whipped up to dip my toes in and see how I like it.

I hope you enjoy and please give me any feedback, advice, or even displeased criticisms you may have.

I watched as my breath was given form, only to disappear into the cold night air as I stood under the dim streetlight. The roads were dead, with only the occasional distant honk or engine rev to disrupt the quiet of the night.

The current alley next to me was devoid of any life - or anything that could host life, specifically fluffies. These cold nights which signaled winter was coming quickly, would prove fruitful in my search.

Anyone up this late to see me may mistake me and my search as some ne-er-do-well activity, and that would be true, but only in the eyes of a hugboxer. I was out at this hour to avoid unwanted attention to my search from the likes of such, as the outcomes so far hadn’t been very clean. However, I was on a mission and wouldn’t return home until I had either found what I was looking for or had ventured too far from my car.

I continued down the dim sidewalk, keeping my ears open to stray chirps, peeps, or any high-pitched, mind-numbing babble. Usually, stray and feral fluffies would be wise enough to stay quiet at this time of night in case of any “munstahs.” Although, with the cold nights and eventual snow, I knew the unprepared fluffies would be desperate. Many would be desperate enough that they’d be willing to risk just about anything to earn a chance at a warm house.

Ultimately, I DID want to grant one of them this wish, but only to one deserving while simultaneously disposing of those who weren’t. Many would call me an abuser, but I’m doing everyone a favor, and it wasn’t some wanton and mindless killing.

I kept my footfalls light and quiet to avoid alerting any of my presence. As I approached another alleyway, a favorite for strays and ferals, I slowed and stopped right before the opening. As luck would have it, I could make out the vague and muffled noises that could accompany only foals. I could only discern the occasional chirp and a general tone of distress, perfect.

The fluffies immediately quieted as they heard me walk in front of the alley’s opening while singing a quickly thought-up and, at best, mediocre tune, which was in line with the average fluffy song.

“Good fluffies get wub and hugs! Bad fluffies get fo-”

I stopped myself before saying, “foweba sleepies,” and promptly resumed.

“-Get to sleep in cold alleys!”

This would hopefully serve as a good first impression to the most likely distressed and desperate group.

I stopped singing and carried the tune with a light whistle as I turned to walk down the dark path and was soon standing next to an old and falling apart cardboard box. Of course, I roll my eyes.

Surprisingly, I haven’t been met by any fluffies. The quiet sound of whimpering meets my ears as I bend down to look inside.

Surprisingly, there’s no mare, only two small foals. Both are tearful and sniveling as they hug each other in the back corner of the box.

The slightly smaller and pure yellow one looks my way. After spotting me, it buries its head into the coat of the other one with a peep. The larger one, with a white coat and small blue mane, looks my way with a pitiful expression.

“O-‘Ou am singin’ mistah?” It chatters out between its shivering teeth. “Nu am munstah? Pwease nu gib huwties…”

“Hopefully, I won’t have to,” I reply, looking over their shivering and skinny forms. “What are you two doing out here all alone?”

“M-Mummah weft wiff bestes’ to fin’ nummies fo’ m-miwkies, towd babbeh to wait wiff sissy.” It begins to tear up again. “P-Pwease mistah! Hewp fwuffy and sissy! Am cowd! Nee wawm housie an’ nummies fo’ tummy huwties! Pwease!”

The begging was beginning to grate on me. Still, I’d look past it, considering how desperate the two were, clearly abandoned by their mother who cared more for her “bestest”.

“You’re pretty demanding for a fluffy who’s freezing. Those things are only for good fluffies, you know.”

"NUUU! Am gud fwuffies! Nu weabe! " The smaller one began to cry as she moved out of the hug and to my foot as fast as she could. “Huuu! Take fwuffies! Jus wan nummies an’ housie! Nu wan cowd bocks!”

I gaze over their small begging forms and open my hands for them.

“Alright, let’s get you warm, but I gotta ask you two a few things before I decide, okay?”

The two immediately agree, nodding as they shuffle into my warm palms and curl into them as I pick them up and place them against me in my arms.

Their constant whining and crying have been replaced with soft cooing as they warm themselves beside each other against me. The sight draws out a small smile. These two wouldn’t have lasted the night had I not shown up. I might as well be their entire world right now.

I remind myself I can’t take them home just yet. There’s still a job to do.

“Warm?” I ask

“Bewy~” The large one coos as it snuggles into me. “Fank ou’ nyu daddeh! Daddeh am bestes’ an’ nices’ an’ wawmes’ an’-”

“Uh-huh, yeah,” I flatly cut off their praise and claims of being their new dad. “So it’s only you two left? Besides your mom and sibling that left?”

"Dewe was othah babbehs, pwetty bwue sissy… an’ poopie bwuddah. " It’s eyes began to water again. “Miss mummah! Miss sissy! Miss bestes!”

My expression fell at the cold and casual mention of a “poopie” baby and the lack of mention of the late brother when they began to cry about their family.

“Do you miss your… ‘poopy’ brother?”

“Uhmmm…” The White one racks its head to think if there is anything about him, they do miss. “Miss poopie wikie cweanies!” It finally remembers looking proud of itself for having more than half a brain cell.

“Poopie bwuddah stowe gud babbehs miwkies! Nu miss!” The smaller one puffed its cheeks and pouted.

I grit my teeth at this, yet another tainted batch. This was the third group I had found that showed some manner of this taint.

“Another disappointment.” I sigh

“Wuh’ mean? Why nyu daddeh say meanie wowd? Fwuffies nu am fo’ heawt huwties!” The whining began again. “Am gud! Babbeh be bettah fo’ daddeh! Be gud fo’ daddeh! Gib bestes huggies an’ wub!” The smaller one said as it began to try and give me the best hug it could with its small, stumpy legs.

There was no point in trying to explain why they were, in fact, bad. I had tried to with the previous attempts but always met with the same groveling and crying as to why there were always the best fluffy ever and how they “Jus wan wub an’ hugs!”

No matter how I tried, I could never get them to understand what they had done was wrong. Once the rot has taken hold, it’s nigh impossible to remove.

I’d have to try again some other time. I’m too tired and annoyed with their kind right now to waste any more time or energy on giving them what they deserve. I’ll make this quick.

As I return to reality, I notice they had started to stain my coat with tears due to me ignoring them as I had zoned out. My lack of response had only caused their worry to grow, and they’d devolved back to constant crying and whining.

“PWEASE DADDEH! NEE WAWM HOUSIE! TUMMY HAB WOWSTEST HUWTIES!” One of them cried. I didn’t care which it was anymore.

Their crying and writhing was interrupted as I rolled them back into my hands and held them there.

“SKREEE! Nu wike bad upsies! Nu gib huwties! Am onwe widdow babbeh! Nu am fo’ huwties!”

And there it was, possibly the most detested phrase I could ever hear one of these useless sacks of meat say. I was initially going to snap their necks and be done with it, but now I think I’ll enjoy this a bit.

“Nu can mobe! Nu wike dese upsies!” The smaller one cried as it wriggled fruitlessly in my grip.

I tightened my squeeze slightly for the pair, causing their bowels and bladder to empty onto the ground.

“EEEEEEE! Nu wan huwties! Why nyu daddeh gib babbeh huwties! HuuhHuu! Nee Huggies! Bwuddah gib sissy huggies fo’ feew bettah! PEEP! PEEP!”

“EEECK! Am stuck! Fwuffy nu can gib huggies to sissy! KAF! KAF! Bweafy pwace has owwies! WHEEZE Daddeh nu’ am sposed to gib’ huwties! Fwuffy am fo’ wub an’ hugs! PWEASE! Am’ gud! Babbehs am’ gud! Wan wuv Daddeh!”

I didn’t bother responding to either’s cries or pleas as they tried their hardest to squeeze out of the tight grip over their entire body.

I let up the pressure, and both began coughing.

“Why munstah daddeh gib bigges’ huwties?! Am cowd an’ hab tummy owwies awweady! NU FAIW! Nu wan foweba sweepies! Nu am’ bad! Fwuffies nu desewbe huwties!”

It was the same re-worded pleas, complaints, and wants every time. As if they were in any place to “want” anything right now.

My continued silence to their cries seems to finally get through to them. It has evolved into a constant babble of scared and pained peeps and chirps that they’ve instinctively reverted to from the pain and fear. It was time to end this.

I interlocked my fingers as I pressed them together, holding them suspended in the air as their heads were squeezed together between my palms.

The distress on their faces did bring a smile to my face. Their large, bulbous eyes, hollow cheeks from malnutrition, heaving chests from the panicked and labored breaths, all of it was intoxicating. Inflicting nothing but pain just isn’t the same. It’s lazy and uninspired. It’s the unadulterated terror which is the true treat.

“PEEP! CHIRP! HuuHuuuu! Mummah, come back! Sabe babbeh! Nu wan die! Wan huggies an’ wub an’ miwkies fo’ make ebewythin’ bettah! HUUUUUU!” The white one seemed to keep saying on repeat.

The smaller yellow filly had simply regressed into a cacophony of terrified peeps and chirps. Perhaps one of my favorite sounds in the world.

My palms began to squeeze together, putting tremendous pressure on the two foals’ heads.


In reality, it was barely taking any effort to cause their eyes to bulge out of their heads as their mouths and skulls began to squeeze and distort their faces into disfigured, elongated masks of pain.



I had stopped paying attention to which one was saying what, purely focused on the continued expressions of pure pain and terror their squeezed faces could express.

Their screams had worn thin, both having regressed into an ocean of peeps and chirps as their small bodies writhed and wriggled in the air.

After a moment of enjoying the scene, I finally applied one final bout of pressure, and with a small, fleeting screech from both, their heads caved in on each other as my palms met.

The peace and quiet had returned to the night once more. After a moment of this silence, I let out a sigh of relief and opened my hands, letting the two crushed-head corpses fall to the ground with a soft and pitiful thump.

Another failure. I shook the viscera off my hands and looked at the two for a moment, thinking about how many fluffies I had gone through so far in my search for a worthy and uncorrupted one if one even exists.

Nevertheless, I will continue my search for an uncorrupted, well-tempered, and obedient fluffy that I can finally mold into the perfect pet that I can be proud of.

Without a second glance, I turn around and leave the grizzly scene behind. Another like this was likely to appear tomorrow night.


don’t forget your name after the title


Wretched thing has a point :persevere:


Not bad at all. Good job!


This story came to me when I was in the brink of sleep and I wrote it while I was half-awake


It does, but the rot must be purged


You’ve been writing for a while, haven’t you? This is exceptional.

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(post deleted by author)

A good few ideas and stories I’ve tried to write before but none of which left the draft stages or were posted, until now

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I’m going to say this as a professional writer, so please listen: keep writing. Move beyond fandom when you’re comfortable. You’ve got serious potential as a pro.


As a professional editor, I would strongly agree with this statement—though I do hope you stay a while and provide us with more quality material before moving on to bigger and better things!


Good stuff, keep it up. And welcome to FC!


My only gripe is I do not like reading first person pov. Otherwise it was well written