Sky was a runaway stallion that ran from his abusive owner. The day before, Sky was beaten hard due to “being dumb” and had his eye ripped out, that was enough, so when his owner was sleeping he sneaked out.
He found a mare some months after, Lilac. His fluff pattern matched hers, hers was purple with some white dots while his were white with blue dots. Almost if they were meant to be together.
After some time, Lilac had to be inside the nest all the time as she was expecting their tummy babbehs. Meanwhile, Sky was out in the middle of the snow to find nummies for them. She didn’t complain if he failed to bring enough, after all, “he was safe”.
However, things changed a lot since she gave birth to them. She started to become ignorant, got mad at everything, and even gave him hurties for not bringing enough nummies for her, saying “she was the bestest mummah and deserved it”.
But things only got worse from here. After another adventure to find food, Sky came back to find Lilac stomping their alicorn foal, and behind her was a mountain of their other 6 foals. She had killed them all.
He advanced towards her and got in the way of her hooves, receiving all the blows while protecting their only remaining foal, which was already in a very bad state.
“D-da… ddeh… chirp…” The foal whimpered weakly on the stallion’s arms.
“Nu wowwy, babbeh… Daddeh wiww pwotect yu…” He said while still getting stomped by Lilac, she was screaming that her foals weren’t pretty like her, so they didn’t deserve to live. It broke his heart even more.
The assault went on for minutes that felt like hours, until she turned her back and went out of the nest. “Hmph! Wiww find anotha’ nestie fo’ us! Fowwow Wiwac, dummeh!” She had given up on hurting the foal, for now.
It took a while for Sky to recover and follow her, but he did it, carrying his remaining foal on his back while he limped behind Lilac, her eyes never looking back.
This wouldn’t last for long however, as the mare felt her hooves sink slowly, and (due to fluffies’ stupidity) just stood there watching before she suddenly fell. All that could be heard was her desperate hooves trying to crawl up and dig through the snow.
“EEEEE! HEWP MUMMAH, SPESHAW FWEND! PWEASE!” Lilac pleaded while still trying to keep herself from falling into the hole. It was a trap perfect for fluffies like her.
Sky bit her hoof and started to pull her up desperatedly, taking some steps back as he struggled not to fall inside with her. He didn’t care about the snow biting at his skin, he didn’t care about the strain on his teeth, he had to save her. But then…
He remembered all the abuses that started ever since he was a foal in his owner’s hands to the ones that Lilac put him through after the birth of their foals. Suddenly, it felt wrong to save her, such a abusive fluffy.
Still bitting her hoof, tears formed into Sky’s eyes as he muttered. “Sowwy, speshaw fwend… Bu’ Sky nu wan yu no mowe…” With that, he let her go just like his tears. She disappeared just like her screams as she fell inside the hole.
Sky felt relief, but also felt regret. The only love he had on his life was gone now, with no chances of recovery. It was the best that could be done in that moment, or else who knows how would the abuse escalate, but at the same time… He felt guilt, as if he did something wrong in letting her fall. It didn’t matter anymore though, he lost her and only had his babbeh left.
Soon, all that could be heard was the blizzard raging and intensifying, and the occasional whimpers of the alicorn foal.
Sky sat on the soft snow and grabbed his little one, giving his injuries some lickie cleanies and nuzzling towards it as he laid down, trying to keep it warm as much as he could.
“Shh… nu cwy, babbeh… Hoomins wiww come an’ sabe us…” He whispered, all he could feel was the snow on his fluff and the foal hugging him while he was curled like a ball.
Minutes passed, then hours, then days…
After three days, the blizzard finally stopped, but it was already over. The stallion froze to death while trying to keep his foal warm. Meanwhile, the foal died of starvation while still hugging his daddeh. Before he starved though, he still clinged to his dad’s fluff, with a slight hope that his last words to him, that humans would come, would be true. That’s what kept him from dying besides the warmth of Sky.
They stayed together until the end. It wasn’t the way the stallion wanted to go, but at least he felt satisfied that his babbeh was safe, even if it didn’t survive.
Just a quick story I wrote while bored. Enjoy it ig.