In the life of cannibal fluffies part 1 by (Sullieduser611)

I hope you enjoy the read.

Greetsing and beinvenue fellow viewers.
And welcome to todays program where we will be delving into the world of anthropophagi crintus" the latin words for “Cannibal fluffies”.
A rare creature that surprises the artificial nature of these lab grown “animals” due to that how for a lack of better words show a low level of cunning seen in human teens. But due to the naive nature of their semi omnivorous cousins, it would not be that hard to lure and kill a fluffy for a simple hello is makes it moronic nature easy to ensure a easy meal for a cannibal fluffy, for they are more prone to consuming their body weight in raw meat.

[ the cammera fades into view from a slient drone
Over a heath that shows a hole upon a dirt mound where a earthie cannibal fluffy had made it’s home.]

Here we see cannibal fluffy the researchers had named “marrow”. Marrow is a royal blue earthie with a gray mane, from what we know so far that marrow was solitary creature that made it’s home here in this vast heath that borders the great lakes of michigan, for most generic fluffies.
Would refer him as a " Munstah fwuffy" due to his abnormalities the larger physical appearance, broader shoulders, protruding forehead which is flatten this in theory maybe due to it being a abnormal adaptation for to bashing it’s prey’s head in makimg it so that it minimize the risk of injuries from other earthies and pegasus fluffies.
Marrow gorans and yawns slightly before streaching, and soon started to move away from his den down in the field of tall withered grass heading to the lakeside either in search for drink or perhaps food. The third option is to wash his fluff to remove any of the gore from his last meal and thus eliminating the stench of blood, for even how inept fluffies may be they do have a slight keen sense of smell, thus giving marrow away.
To his prey, uppon reaching the shore line we found our young stallion he was drinking from the cool water, before stepping into. Due to it is commonly known that fluffies and water are not the closest of friends due to genetic programming of hasbio the fluffy species has a genuine phobia of water, but for some reason besides auqua fluffies the cannibal fluffy has some how evolved a relationship with water as if it knows that if it washed the gore from its fur that it would not smell like a rotten corpse also removing any maggots that flys may have implanted in the rotting bits of flesh as well, to prevent attracting rivals and larger predators.

After “Marrow”, had cleaned his fur and dryed off he seems to have picked up on a scent of a fluffy. He seems to be smirking as from the knowledge that simple meal is near by as he slinked off into the tall grass, we too slowly fallow behind the. Lilttle stallion and see how his skills are put to the test wondering if he will succeed in acquiring a meal today or go hungry till tomorrow. It seems our subject has stumbled upon the micro heard that made it’s home on the short grass micro prairie, this low land habitat provides the tiny herbivore cousins of the species were orginally designed to be incorporated as indoor pets who suffer from miniscule case of agoraphobia or as from what interviews with micro fluffies as.
“Spinny eye hurwties” from what was elaborated, in the term of the micro fluffies they fear they will fall into sky. A hilarious notion but in micro scoiety a true threat, due to this inovation these micro fluffies had devleop the idea of shifts like those of humans where some go above ground and collect food for the underground dens, while others rest beneath the surface with the brooding mares, chirpies, talkie foals. Before the more adolescents foals who are in the walkie fillies and colts stage. Who are taught by the older mares and stallions.

When it comes for scavenging for the supplies
of food the colony, the micro fluffies would disperse into groups of six then subsequently split into squads of three. Don’t make their cute size and attitudes fool you though. Just like the larger cousins they too can be quite cruel and mischievous when it comes to meeting other fluffies regardless of being large or small. As we fallow this miccro squad that is moving parallel to marrow and his path it might lead to both parties encountering one another, the micro group is lead by a unicorn with a (1)orange fur and black mane and tail with the rest comprising of earthies in the collors of. (2) Black with white mane, (3) red with blue mane, (4) pink with purple mane.
(5) yellow and copper mane, and finally (6) brown with pink mane which is dub the poopie fluffie.

Meanwhile as the second party follows along marrow’s path as he is sniffing out signs of fluffy herds in the the area, due to bathing earlier in the morning his scent of death and feces is non-existence giving him an advantage to his unsuspecting prey. As our little cannibal has picked up a scent of a fluffy but not of the micos?
Who are down wind, but it seems we are inluck for he has sniffed out the scent of a heard that is entering the heath from the treeline due to us wearing camouflage. The heard has not spotted us, thus allowing us to film this event that is about to unfold, it seems that the herd is comprised of the designated smarty a large stallion that is lime green with blue and pepper specs of grey in the mane and tail. He is a unicorn unsurprisingly he is still the smarty, depending on the individual the smarty can either be a cruel or caring creature. We will see what the actions of the leader of the herd will be it’s safety or it’s demise, we will return after this commercial break.