Industrial Milkbags are overfed with hormone riddled, high nutrient feed while “plugged in” to a virtual world via VR and earplugs with low doses of drugs to dull her senses to a world where their babbehs sing their praises and show love, protecting/shielding the milkbag from the reality of having tubes inside her to pump her milk and remove her waste, as well as the cries from foals below her.
Here goes nothing, hoping that this site doesn’t go tits up into hell. Names Nice Bogan Lady, same name as the booru, before it went 6 feet under. I’m pretty shit at art and have only a phone, pencil and visual diary. (That’s a lie, I have a printer with a scanner but I’m too fucking lazy to set it up.)
Also, where’s the milkbag tag? I chose pillowfluff, but would have preferred milkbag. Oh well.