Infierno autoprovocado / self-inflicted hell (mario1992)

Hoy es el gran día, después de su última camada, ya pasaron 2 meses, y la yegua debe estar por dar a luz.

Entras a la habitación segura, la cual había visto días mejores, el papel tapiz esta mohoso y cayéndose a pedazos y la luz tintinea

En medio de ese lugar hay unos cuadrados transparentes. Hay varios lugares, pero ahora solo tienen 2 inquilinos (al menos por ahora) una yegua Pegaso blanca con melena café mierda y un macho unicornio café similar al color de la melena de la hembra, pero con la melena arcoíris más hermosa vista.

Te observan, sus miradas vacías reflejan que saben lo que va a suceder. Estas presente cuando la hembra empieza a parir a sus crías, un montón de potros de colores asquerosos

Esperas a que termine el trabajo. ningún potro te sirve. levantas a ambos padres sin esfuerzo. son muy viejos ya. su pelo empieza a mostrar canas y a perder brillo y lo cambias de cuadrado. dejando a sus crías atrás

Les pides que las nombren, escogen los nombres, más comunes como chocolate o brownie (o la manera más parecida que pueden con esas voces patéticas y gangosas)

Limpias a las crías mientras le das en la mitad de la dosis que deben recibirlo que ocasionara que tarden más en morir de hambre,vendras a alimentarlos cada determinado tiempo ,para alargar su sufrimiento y atormentar a los padres,la alimetacion insuficientelos les deja la sensacion de jamás estar completamente satisfechos.

te alejas de la habitación, mientras escuchas el silencioso llanto de los padres y los llantos hambrientos de las crías.

Te sientas en tu sillon,Todavia hay tiempo antes de ir a alimentar a tus otras hembras, las que si valen la pena. Mientras enciendes un porro, recuerdas el motivo de tan rebuscado castigo, mientras el efecto de la mariguana hace efecto y tus articulaciones adoloridas se desinflaman, los recuerdos te invaden

Eras un criador inexperto, confiabas en estos caballos de mierda. te confiaste, los fluffies habían sido enseñados a no asesinar alicornios,el miedo seguía alli ,pero ellos sabían controlarlo.

tenías esperanza en los nuevos fluffies que compraste, aunque sus combinaciones eran horribles, esperabas que al menos uno de ellos heredara las características destacables de ambos padres.

pero aun así después de 3 camadas de puro desperdicio les dijiste que era su última oportunidad

ese fue tu segundo error, estresarlos demasiado. Los puso ansiosos y temerosos del abandono

El día de su 4to parto de prueba. Té emborrachaste (3er y ultimo error) y olvidaste checar tu calendario de partos. Así que la yegua paria a sus crías sin que estuvieras presente.

La hembra y su pareja se quedaron 4 horas solos con sus crías recién nacidas. En su pequeño cerebro el abandono era no solo un miedo si no una realidad

Ante esta situación el único cambio era una cosa, una perfecto potro alicornio. de melena arcoíris como su padre y un color blanco prístino como su madre. Un potro de un millo de dólares. a solas con una pareja de fluffies asustados que no tenían a quien culpar.

se imaginarán lo que sucedio, yo lo vi en la cámara de seguridad, aunque no era necesario, ellos mismos dejaron al potro en medio de su espacio. Mientras alimentaban a sus demás crías.

Otros hubieran destrozados a los padres en un arrebato de furia incontrolable, pero mi enojo era en partes contra ellos y contra mí mismo.

desalojé a las demás madres de sus otros lugares, les dije que eso estaba mal, y que esos fluffies serian castigados.

Regrese con la feliz pareja. Y los levante. Ellos confiados por lo bien que los trate previamente no se resistieron violentamente, pero lloraron que sus crías los necesitaban, les dije que eran malos fluffies ,pero que no les iba a golpear, su castigo era " no podrán alimentar a sus crías hasta que me den una como a la que le dieron sueñitos eternos " ellos no supieron bien que significaba ,pero ya estaba decidido.

Regresando de mi recuerdo ,admiro el potro disecado que tengo en mi sala. Mientras escucho a los padres llorando por sus crías.

Esa potra disecada es mi castigo, y el torturarlos a ellos y a sus crías por todos estos años también, no me genera algún placer.

Pero me recuerdan mis propios errores y quien dice que algún día recupere la oportunidad perdida por mi estupidez y al fin esta pareja sea libre

El silencio me permite escuchar un desganado “ENF ENF”, esos imbéciles lo intentaran de nuevo. Me pregunto cómo es posible que no dejen de intentarlo. pero bueno en 2 meses se repetirá mi búsqueda del alicornio


Today is the big day, after her last litter, it’s been 2 months, and the mare must be about to give birth.

You enter the safe room, which had seen better days, the wallpaper is moldy and falling apart and the light is tinkling.

in the middle of that place there are some transparent squares. There are several places, but now they only have 2 tenants (at least for now) a white Pegasus mare with a shitty brown mane and a brown unicorn male similar to the color of the female’s mane, but with the most beautiful rainbow mane seen.

They look at you, their empty stares reflecting that they know what is going to happen. You are present when the female begins to give birth to her offspring, a bunch of filthy colored foals.

you wait for her to finish the job. neither foal is of any use to you. you pick up both parents effortlessly. they are too old now. their hair starts to show gray and lose luster and you switch them from square to square. leaving their offspring behind.

You ask them to name them, they choose the most common names, like chocolate or brownie (or as close as they can get with those pathetic, gangly voices).

You clean the hatchlings while giving them half the dose they should receive which will cause them to take longer to starve, you will come to feed them every so often, to prolong their suffering and torment the parents, insufficient feeding leaves them with the feeling of never being completely satisfied.

You leave the room, listening to the silent cries of the parents and the hungry cries of the hatchlings.

You sit back in your chair, there is still time before you go to feed your other females, the ones that are worth feeding. While you light up a joint, you remember the reason for such a far-fetched punishment, while the effect of the marijuana takes effect and your aching joints deflate, the memories come flooding back.

You were an inexperienced breeder, you trusted these shitty horses. you trusted them, the fluffies had been taught not to kill alicorns, the fear was still there, but they knew how to control it.

You had hope in the new fluffies you bought, even though their combinations were horrible, you hoped that at least one of them would inherit the outstanding characteristics of both parents.

But still after 3 litters of pure waste you told them it was their last chance.

that was your second mistake, stressing them too much. It made them anxious and fearful of abandonment.

The day of your 4th trial delivery. You got drunk (3rd and last mistake) and forgot to check your foaling calendar. So the mare foaled her offspring without you being present.

The female and her mate were left alone for 4 hours with their newborn offspring. In her little brain, abandonment was not only a fear but a reality.

Faced with this situation the only change was one thing, a perfect alicorn foal, with a rainbow mane like her father and a pristine white color like her mother. A thousand dollar colt. alone with a couple of frightened fluffies who had no one to blame.

You can imagine what happened, I saw it on the security camera, although it wasn’t necessary, they left the foal in the middle of their space. While they fed their other offspring.

Others would have ripped the parents apart in a fit of uncontrollable rage, but my anger was partly against them and myself.

I evicted the other mothers from their other places, told them it was wrong, and that those fluffies would be punished.

I went back to the happy couple. And I picked them up. They were confident because of how well I had treated them before, they did not resist violently, but cried that their young needed them, I told them they were bad fluff, but I was not going to beat them, their punishment was “you will not be able to feed your young until they give me one like the one they gave eternal dreams” they did not know what it meant, but it was already decided.

Coming back from my memory, I admire the stuffed foal I have in my living room. While I listen to the parents crying for their offspring.

That stuffed filly is my punishment, and torturing them and their offspring for all these years does not bring me any pleasure.

But they remind me of my own mistakes and who is to say that someday I will recover the opportunity lost by my stupidity and at last this couple will be free.

Silence allows me to hear a listless “ENF ENF”, those assholes will try again. I wonder how is it possible that they won’t stop trying, but well, in 2 months my search for the alicorn will be repeated.


God damn. I can feel the guy’s frustration. The perfect Fluffy and he ends up losing it because of a slip up.


It may sound superficial, but there are people that this kind of mistakes can ruin their whole life, the guy recovered financially, but he never forgot that mistake, and he never will, hell is not only for fluffies, he lives his own mini hell, which he refuses to leave.

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Very true. As long as he keeps doing this, he’ll always be reminded of his mistake and he’ll keep punishing them until they die.


eso es lo que ocurre cuando confias en esas ratas de mierda xD

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