Insurgo 1&2 [Scrapped] - (Artist:Mutagen)


ok this is a bit of a weird one. after deciding i was well done with ringmaster, i toyed around with another long comic idea, and one of those ideas that nearly took off was this one. originally about a “bad baby” born in a forest dwelling colony, it never really took off, but many of the ideas in it would be rolled into Postfluff.

originally posted January 2013


Even though it may not have turned into something more, I like it on its own. A nice bit of heartwarming as I see it.


Nice. It does work well as a standalone, it’s a nice moment.


Very sweet. And a decision implied.


looks like she’s about to birth a loaf of bread

squeezes out one (1) bean-sized foal

Fluffies are weird.


Pregnancy biology for them is especially strange. They literally can feel the exact second an embryo implants, and the exact second it perishes.

Presumably they fill with a specific amount of amniotic fluid. Since abortion abuse always has big litters, then maybe the excess fluid significantly improves survival or something. Or Mares with more fetuses are driven towards bigger risks.


Yeah, I also believe amniotic fluid makes up 90% of their size, so their births become pretty messy.
Maybe the lab guys at Hasbio wanted to make sure their mares won’t get far before labor. Or maybe it’s a mechanic to prevent births outside a save environment (like a home, or a breeding lab).
Or maybe it’s just for “cuteness”.


I’d say the first and last points.

From what we found out when the Obama administration forced companies to reveal their AI and robotics experiments, companies pretend science fiction never had a single lesson to teach. Plus, Fluffies were too early in development, longterm ideas like that wouldn’t be considered.

Probably just because test Mares playing kept causing miscarriages. Excess fluid to cause strain reminds them to be careful, and cushions regardless.

Too bad the mucous plug and uterus weren’t strengthened. Being humped causes an automatic abortion for some reason.


I’ve always liked this one. A longtime “nu mummah” and a baby that most mothers would reject get to have a happy life together.


. . .That ending, had me chuckling at the idea that the foals first words and subsequent words were in latin. xD


ok Chuckles

probably you irl i don’t know


Ah yes, Chuckles the oc knuckles ripoff.


“Do u kno de wae?”


“Yus Bruddah.”

Fantastic comic, Btw!

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One theory was that since fluffies are so fragile, and foals even more so, that the excess fluid was to protect the gestating foals. Another idea is that the ballooning up to make mares immobile which stopped them moving around and hurting themselves and the gestating foals during pregnancy, making things easier for the Hasbio breeding division but a huge hurdle for feral and wild fluffies later on, needing a stockpile of reachable food or a special friend/attendants to feed it.

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Amotic fluid is very strong due to the fact that the ubinical cord is very weak. If they had less fluid, the slightest movement would break it. Although it seems exaggerated to me that they cannot move when they have a litter of 3 and under, they should have limited movement, but they should have

At risk of looking stupid im probably missing something obvious.

What makes this a “Dummeh babbeh”
i cant see any injuries
i dont think i can see any birth defects
the speech is fine its a new born

im lost on this one, i just know its gonna be something obvious :thinking_jellen:

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Not to worry! Fluffies are low-key fairly complex. Mummah can probably smell the “runt smell” on this baby - meaning there’s probably something underdeveloped on the inside, and the foal probably won’t live very long because their formation is incompatible with life - even though there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong on the outside. It happens quite a lot. There are stories of owners who punish mummahs for rejecting a “bad baby” thinking they mean “poopie baby”, but the mother can actually smell that the baby isn’t viable, and keeping it around will just add more heartache when it inevitably dies.


Give all the “wuv” while she can i guess :nooo:

shame hes a cutie :glee:

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